Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell announced today that he has named Brian McGuire, longtime chief speechwriter and senior advisor in his Capitol Leadership Office, as the next chief of staff in his personal office. In the new role, McGuire will assume the duties of a traditional chief of staff responsible for home-state priorities while retaining some of his current responsibilities advising on strategic communications and policy. McGuire will take over for Josh Holmes, who left the office in August of 2013 to advise and then manage Leader McConnell’s successful re-election campaign.

“Brian has played a central role in my leadership office for nearly a decade as both a shaper of the office’s message and a trusted advisor on strategy and policy,” McConnell said. “I have great confidence in his ability to guide my personal office as we work together to advance the interests of all Kentuckians, and particularly those who made their concerns about the future of the Commonwealth and the country so keenly felt during my campaign.”

A native of Albany, NY, McGuire is a 1996 graduate of St. John’s College in Annapolis, Md. He has a masters degree from the Columbia School of Journalism.

Prior to working for Leader McConnell, McGuire served in the Bush Administration as chief speechwriter for the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

He has worked on McConnell’s leadership staff since January 2007.

McGuire lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife Ashley and their two young children.

Sharon Soderstrom is the Chief of Staff in the Office of the Republican Leader.