Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate Floor urging his colleagues to support Keystone XL jobs:

“Later today, the Senate will vote on whether or not to send Congressman Cassidy’s Keystone jobs bill to the President. It’s a vote that’s long overdue, but welcome.
“Keystone XL is just common-sense. It’s a shovel-ready jobs project that would help thousands of Americans find work. It would increase our supply of North American energy. And it would do all that with minimal net climate impact.
“That’s why the American people support it. That’s why Republicans support it. That’s why so many rank-and-file Democrats support it too.
“I wish the Senate would have followed the lead of Congressman Cassidy and his House colleagues in approving Keystone years ago. It’s just common sense. Those who took a serious look at the science and the potential benefits reached that conclusion long ago. They understand that the whole drama over Keystone has been as protracted as it is unnecessary.

“We hope to turn the page on all that today.
“The reason we’re able to finally have this vote is because the American people sent a strong message earlier this month. They told us that they just want Washington to get on with approving serious policies like Keystone and then move on.
“That’s why — after years of delay and so many thwarted attempts to bring Keystone up for a vote — the Democrat leadership is finally allowing us a vote on passage of the Cassidy Keystone bill.
“That’s a good thing. It’s a step forward.
“Now it will be up to our friends on the other side to vote with us and actually pass the Cassidy Keystone bill through Congress. The President’s remarks opposing this bipartisan jobs legislation were not helpful.

“Republicans are committed to getting Keystone approved. We want to see those jobs created as soon as possible. That’s what the people want. The House already acted long ago. And Congressman Cassidy and colleagues like Senator Hoeven deserve recognition for their years of hard work on this issue.
“So I urge a yes vote on the legislation to send Congressman Cassidy’s Keystone bill to the President and create more American jobs.
“And if not, then a new majority is committed to acting next year.”