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Congresswoman Joyce Beatty

Representing the 3rd District of Ohio

Congresswoman Beatty Applauds U.S. Treasury Secretary’s Decision to Feature a Woman on Paper Currency

Jun 17, 2015
Press Release
Rep. Beatty sponsored legislation to do the same

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Congresswoman Joyce Beatty (OH-03) applauds U.S. Treasury Secretary Lew’s announcement that the ten dollar bill will feature a woman. The ten dollar bill is the next paper currency note scheduled for redesign by the Treasury Department.

“For 138 years our nation has engaged in commerce and trade using paper currency, and never has a woman been featured on a paper bill. I am proud to have helped raise awareness on this important effort, and tonight’s announcement is an acknowledgment that gender equality is advancing within our society and on our money,” said Rep. Beatty.

On April 30, 2015, Rep. Beatty introduced the Woman on the Twenty Act, H.R. 2147. The legislation would allow the Secretary of the Treasury to create a citizens panel to recommend a woman to be placed on twenty dollar bill. H.R. 2147 is currently cosponsored by 18 Members of Congress. On June 16, Rep. Beatty spoke on the Floor (VIDEO) of the U.S. House of Representatives about H.R. 2147.

Rep. Beatty’s legislation is consistent with the grassroots effort of the nonprofit group Women on 20s. The twenty dollar bill was chosen to have the face of a woman because 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote and it is fitting to celebrate this milestone with a woman featured on U.S. paper currency. In 1877, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing began printing all the United States paper money. Since the first general circulation of paper money, no woman ever has held the honor of being featured on paper money.

“Whether it is a twenty dollar bill or a ten dollar bill, I am glad that the Administration and Congress are working to bring gender equality to all areas of American life,” added Beatty.

Treasury will be accepting comments for the redesign on as well as those posted on social media using “TheNew10” hashtag, or #TheNew10.  Treasury staff will review the input received and provide information to Secretary Lew over the course of the discussion.