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Congressman Mike Bishop

Representing the 8th District of Michigan


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Health Care

America needs to develop common-sense health care reforms that not only respect families and the patient-doctor relationship, but also consider any and all opportunities to lower skyrocketing health care costs altogether.

As a member of the private sector, I saw firsthand how companies tried to grow and create more jobs – but they simply couldn’t due to the strangling grip of Obamacare. Small businesses have been forced into plans that cover less, with higher co-pays, higher deductibles and higher premiums. The current system is hurting our families and small businesses, and will continue to do so unless changes are made.

I look forward to working with my colleagues in the House to create a system that works for more Americans than the failures we’ve seen from Obamacare. We must put an end to the broken promises and ensure Americans have access to the high-quality, affordable health care they're after.

More on Health Care

November 30, 2016 Press Release
“I believe this is one of the most important pieces of legislation we will pass in the 114th Congress," said Bishop. "Diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, addiction, mental health disorders, and so many others are taking a toll on families with little relief in sight, but today’s passage of 21st Century Cures renews our hope."
September 29, 2016 Press Release
"We will never be able to undo these victims and families' pain, but today we learned we are that much closer to getting them the help they need," said Bishop.
September 28, 2016 Press Release
"This bill secures Zika funding, increased oversight of the VA, funding to combat the opioid epidemic and a prohibition on the closure of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility – which are important issues to families in our district," said Bishop.
September 13, 2016 Press Release
“House Republicans remain steadfast in our efforts to undo the devastating effects of Obamacare’s rising costs and hidden tax increases," said Bishop.
July 8, 2016 Press Release
"I am proud to have participated with our conference committee in developing the final legislation, which will ultimately save lives and assist our communities in combating this terrible epidemic," said Bishop.
June 9, 2016 Press Release
The newest letter comes on the heels of a federal judge’s decision to proceed with the criminal case against defendants Barry Cadden and Glenn Chin, two former NECC employees.
June 1, 2016 Press Release
"These victims and their families have gone through a world of suffering, and the administration's inaction simply isn't good enough," said Bishop.
May 24, 2016 Press Release
"Whether it’s someone who lost a loved one, or a victim now living with chronic pain and sickness, or a family member caring for an ill victim, this is a national tragedy – and these people need to be heard," said Bishop during his floor remarks on Tuesday, May 24, 2016.
May 18, 2016 Press Release
"As the people’s representatives in Congress, it is our job to demand the federal government follows through. The White House’s decision is wrong in every sense of the word," said Bishop.
May 17, 2016 Press Release
“The opioid epidemic is devastating families across America, and it hits especially close to home for us in our district and state," said Rep. Bishop.