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Honorable Tim Walz

Representing the 1st District of MINNESOTA

Walz Visits Winona Business, Recognizes Success & Advocates for Veterans’ Jobs

Mar 20, 2014
Press Release

Winona, MN [3/20/14] – Today, Representative Tim Walz visited CPI Binani to recognize local success and speak about the important role veterans play in our community. Walz was joined by local business owners and employers, representatives from educational institutes, and community leaders to advocate for veteran jobs and educational opportunities, highlight the success and prosperity of the region, while also hoping to learn about best practices from business leaders that will continue to revitalize southeastern Minnesota and the country.

“We need to do everything we can to make sure our service men and women have access to the American Dream,” Representative Walz said. “Southern Minnesota is working. We need to take what we’re doing here and apply it to the rest of the country. That’s why I’m here today; to listen to these folks and take their advice and opinions on what’s working back with me to Washington.”

“I want to thank Representative Walz for visiting today and for standing up for veterans and working to ensure the success of local businesses” said Ken Morris, CFO of CPI Binani. “CPI Binani continues to be a proud supporter of veterans and our community.”
