Congressman Keith Rothfus

Representing the 12th District of Pennsylvania

Keith's Initiatives

As your employee, I am working hard every day to promote bipartisan and commonsense initiatives that will help Western Pennsylvania workers, seniors, veterans, families, and communities. This page will provide you with information on many of these bipartisan initiatives. Hearing from you is important to me. Please always feel free to share your thoughts by sending me an emailstopping by a #CoffeeWithKeith near you, or calling or visiting your local office.

Holding Congress Accountable, Forcing it to Comply With Deadlines

The Congressional Pay for Performance Act is a solution to address the broken and inefficient budget and appropriations process. This simple bill will hold Congress accountable and force it to comply with deadlines, just like people in the real world outside of Washington, D.C. Click here to learn more about the Congressional Pay for Performance Act.


Extending Route 219

Route 219 is a critical conduit for commerce in Somerset County and Southwestern Pennsylvania. Extending 219 to Meyersdale is an important infrastructure investment and will make us a more competitive destination for commerce, grow our regional economy, and add jobs. Click here to learn more about my work to extend Route 219.

Route 219

Satisfying Energy Needs and Saving the Environment

Coal is an important part of our electricity-generation base and our economic future. Technological advancements have allowed certain power plants in Western Pennsylvania and across our nation to turn coal refuse into cheap, domestic energy while restoring our environment back to its natural state. Unfortunately, EPA regulations will soon force such facilities to close. The SENSE Act, which I introduced, is a common-sense solution that keeps these plants open, saves jobs, preserves important domestic electricity-generating capacity, and cleans the environment. Click here to learn more about the SENSE Act.

Sense Act

Fighting for Johnstown's 1-104th and the National Guard

The future of Johnstown's 1-104th Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, like many other National Guard units, is being placed in serious jeapardy as part of the Army's most recent force structure plan. By stripping the National Guard of all of its Apache helicopters, the Army is ensuring that it will be less combat-ready and less able to provide operational depth. Click here to read more about my continued fight for Johnstown’s 1-104th.


Supporting Johnstown's Showcase for Commerce

The Showcase for Commerce is an excellent opportunity to highlight and promote the exceptional workforce and quality of life offered by our community. Our local defense contractors employ many skilled and hardworking Western Pennsylvanians and are important to our regional economy. These companies do important work to help servicemembers defend our nation. Click here to learn about my work to support the Showcase for Commerce.

Showcase 2013

Restoring Consumer Choice

Mutual Banks face unique challenges brought about by the recent financial crisis and new capital regulations that could cause some to close and others to reduce the services they offer their customers. If this happens, families and small businesses will be left with fewer and more expensive choices when financing important purchases like pursuing the dream of homeownership, paying for their children’s education, and expanding their operations. The Mutual Bank Choice and Continuity Act, which I introduced, will ensure that consumers can continue to access mutual banks and that these financial institutions can continue to serve communities in a safe and sound manner. Click here to read more about this legislation.

ABA Conference

Restoring Medicare Choices for Seniors

Medicare Advantage provides quality coverage to many seniors in Western Pennsylvania. Until 2011, seniors were able to take advantage of an annual open enrollment period from January through March and make adjustments if the plan they chose did not meet their needs. Unfortunately, the Affordable Care Act eliminated this option. Click here to read about legislation I introduced with Congressman Kurt Schrader [OR-05] to restore seniors’ freedom to try their plans and make changes. Click here to learn about my work to restore options and flexibility for seniors.


Working for Term Limits in Congress

Washington is broken. Citizen legislators with real world and private sector experience are needed now more than ever given the challenges we face. Term limits would ensure that our representatives and senators serve for a season and then return to life as private citizens. Click here to read more.


Serving Our Veterans

It is my privilege to serve the many men and women in uniform and the veterans who live in Pennsylvania’s Twelfth Congressional District. We owe all of these brave men and women a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. It is important that we uphold the commitments we have made and ensure that they receive the respect, support, and care they have earned and rightly expect. Click here to read more about my work to serve our veterans.


Promoting Affordable Medicines

Improving access to affordable medicines can provide consumers with reduced health care costs and more options for their care. The House Affordable Medicines Caucus, which I co-chair with Congressman Peter Welch (D-VT), provides a forum for educating Members and staff on the important role affordable medicines play in improving health care outcomes and lowering health care costs. Click here to read more about the House Affordable Medicines Caucus.