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Congressman David Young

Representing the 3rd District of Iowa


Talk to David


 Take the 60 second Survey


January 8, 2017 Survey
Should the process of reforming the Office of Congressional Ethics be more transparent?
December 4, 2016 Survey
Should there be increased transparency over federal bureaucrats writing rules and regulations?
November 6, 2016 Survey
Do you think the Pentagon should halt these collection efforts and return the funds already paid back by service members?
October 23, 2016 Survey
Would you support legislation to ensure women and minorities are represented in clinical trials at NIH?
October 9, 2016 Survey
Do you think it's time the Senate pass the No Veterans Crisis Line Call Should Go Unanswered Act?
September 25, 2016 Survey
Do you think we need greater protections in place to keep our food supply safe?
September 12, 2016 Survey
Would you have voted in support of the bill funding efforts to combat Zika?
August 21, 2016 Survey
Will you be able to attend either of my Veterans Care Fairs?
August 7, 2016 Survey
Families across Iowa’s Third Congressional District are starting to plan for another school year. This is an exciting time, for our kids are our future, and our country depends on their success. Last year, the U.S. House considered the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), legislation to roll back the failures of the No Child Behind Act, and empower those who know our students best: our parents, teachers, and local administrators. I voted for this legislation, which you can read more about here. ESSA was signed into law and federal changes will be implemented beginning in the fall of 2017. Do you favor bringing education decisions back to our local parents, educators, and administrators?
July 10, 2016 Survey
Would you have voted in support of H.R. 2646?


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