Like me on Facebook | Congressman Ami Bera

Congressman Ami Bera

Representing the 7th District of California
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Listening and staying connected to you is my most important job.  My Facebook page is a great way for you and I to stay in touch – it’s a shared space where we can discuss ways to find common ground and move our country forward.

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I regularly update my Facebook page to share how I am serving you.  I post photos on my latest meetings with Sacramento County families and business owners, updates on my latest votes in Congress, provide information on how my office can help you, and also ask for your thoughts and ideas on the great challenges we face.

You can click here to go to my Facebook page at

My Office’s Facebook Policy

While my staff and I closely watch my Facebook page to answer your questions and concerns, please visit my contact page to ensure a written reply. And if you are having trouble with a federal government agency, I hope you go to so my staff and I can help you.

All points of view are welcome. I run a family-friendly Facebook page so we can all have a thoughtful, respectful, and civil discussion on our nation's challenges. Therefore, my staff and I reserve the right to remove comments that are defamatory, threatening, illegal, profane, involve personal attacks and insults, and others that may be inappropriate or off-topic. Spammers and people who repeatedly violate these rules may also be blocked from using this page in the future.

This page is way for me to be more open and transparent as I work on your behalf in Congress. Because this is my official congressional Facebook page, comments on campaign/election issues are not allowed.