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Congresswoman Joyce Beatty

Representing the 3rd District of Ohio

Beatty Recognizes the 50th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid

Jul 30, 2015
Press Release

Beatty Recognizes the 50th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Congresswoman Joyce Beatty (OH-03) released the following statement in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, which were signed into law on July 30, 1965:

In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed two important programs into law: Medicare and Medicaid. These two critical programs provide Americans much needed access to healthcare. They were created out of the truth that healthcare is a right, not a privilege, and no one should fall into poverty or ill health or worse die prematurely due to a lack of access to healthcare and treatment.

Over the last 50 years, Medicare has helped millions of American seniors maintain independence, good health, and security. Medicaid provides a health care safety net for senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and children and young adults from working families. 

For example, in 2013, in my district, Ohio’s third congressional district, 85,313 of the residents received Medicare and 173,991 of the residents received Medicaid. That is why I applaud Governor Kasich for his decision to expand Medicaid in Ohio.

Our path forward should build upon President Johnson’s vision by strengthening Medicare and Medicaid, improving essential benefits, and containing costs. By closing the prescription drug “doughnut hole” and curtailing waste, fraud, and abuse, the Affordable Care Act lowers costs to beneficiaries and improves delivery of benefits. There are definitely ways to improve these programs. However, any changes must not be balanced on the backs of our seniors and most vulnerable citizens. We must work in a bipartisan way to strengthen Medicare and Medicaid and ensure enhanced access to affordable, quality healthcare.

50 years later, Medicare and Medicaid continue to save lives, help Americans live healthier, and provide the peace of mind that comes with access to healthcare and treatment. I will continue to support and improve these two critical programs that are an integral part of our social safety net.

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