
Jan 15, 2016

By now you’ve heard about the 10 U.S. Navy sailors who were detained by Iran after their boats mistakenly veered into Iranian waters. Thankfully, they have been released unharmed and our boats were returned. But, on the front pages of most every major newspaper and on the nightly news, Americans saw the images of our sailors kneeling, hands behind their head being detained by Iranian authorities. People around the world saw those images too, and Iran didn’t miss a golden opportunity to use this incident for propaganda purposes on their state-run television. It was disturbing, and not something we should simply ignore or dismiss, especially given Iran’s past actions.

Jan 8, 2016

You might recall that over a year ago the Obama Administration proposed using Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery to house hundreds of illegal immigrant minors detained at the Mexican border. I was adamantly opposed to this proposal and worked with the my colleagues in the Alabama delegation to shut it down.

Dec 30, 2015

As the House convenes for the Second Session of the 114th Congress, it is important to get off to a strong start. That’s why I’m pleased the very first bill to be considered this year is a plan to repeal Obamacare and begin the process of replacing it with healthcare policy that works.

Dec 18, 2015

You may have seen the news that the Central Alabama VA has now opened a new 150,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art clinic on Chantilly Parkway, in Eastern Montgomery. Our veterans deserve a world-class facility like this one, and I was proud to join my colleague Rep. Mike Rogers, community leaders and Veterans Affairs officials to cut the ribbon on this impressive new facility.

Dec 11, 2015

Recent terrorist activity has many Americans concerned about our security, and understandably so. Congress has the responsibility to make sure our laws and programs meant to protect our country are working as they should. One program that has been scrutinized lately is our visa system, which regulates who is allowed to visit the United States.

Dec 4, 2015

Progress takes patience sometimes, I suppose. Two-and-a-half years ago, I introduced the "Defending State Authority Over Education Act" to stop once and for all the inappropriate federal coercion of states into adopting the Obama Administration's “pet” policies, standards or curricula, including Common Core.

Nov 23, 2015

As someone who represents a district with a high concentration of veterans, an important part of my job in Congress is making sure national Department of Veterans Affairs leaders pay attention to Alabama and remain focused on improving the long-troubled Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System.

Nov 20, 2015

Americans are rightfully concerned about President Obama’s decision to allow as many as 10,000 Syrian refugees to resettle here in the United States throughout 2016. Of course, everyone hates what is happening to people in Syria, and we want to help them in any way we can. However, as your Representative in Congress, my first duty is to make sure your government is doing all it can to keep the country safe. We cannot turn a blind eye to national security risks or allow those who would do us harm the ability to take advantage of our compassionate efforts.

Nov 13, 2015

Congress has a responsibility to fund transportation infrastructure and make sure the tax dollars you send to Washington come back to benefit you. However, for the past decade, Congress has only been able to pass short-term reauthorizations of highway funding, without needed reforms and funding stability.

Nov 6, 2015

As the Representative for Alabama’s Second Congressional District, I believe my first job is to listen to those I represent and work on their behalf in Congress. That’s why before each vote I take, I first ask, “How are the people I represent affected?” And for me, the district’s and Alabama’s interests will always come first. The 2015 budget deal did not put Alabama’s interests first, in a number of ways, and that’s why I voted no. There were several reasons I could not support this deal that was passed by the House and Senate. To name a few, the top-down process by which the bill was conceived was all wrong, and I believe we could have charted a much stronger fiscal course.
