
Counterintelligence and Insider Threats: How Prepared is the Department of Homeland Security?

July 13, 2016 10:00 AM | 311 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING

The purpose of this hearing is to examine the counterintelligence and insider threats to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its personnel, as well as programs to address those threats.

This will be a two part hearing:

First session is open to the public, containing member and witness statements and a round of questioning.
Second session is a closed door hearing for the members and witnesses to discuss classified issues pertaining to DHS.

Opening Statements

Rep. Peter T. KingĀ (R-NY), Subcommittee Chairman
Opening Statement

Live Stream


The Honorable Francis X. Taylor
Under Secretary
Office of Intelligence and Analysis
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Witness Testimony

Col. Richard D. McComb
Chief Security Officer
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Witness Testimony

Rdml. Robert Hayes
Assistant Commandant for Intelligence
U.S. Coast Guard
Witness Testimony