
Health Care

McMorris Rodgers: Helping Health Care Innovation Thrive

Communications • June 19, 2015

“This repeal will empower American entrepreneurs to pursue 21st century health care solutions that will change lives around the world.” WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) released the following statement after the Housed passed H.R. 160, the Protect Medical Innovation Act of 2015, which repeals the harmful medical device tax which is …

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Health Care > Guest Post | Health Care

A Real-World Health Care Solution

Rep. Diane Black • June 16, 2015

As a nurse for more than 40 years, I saw how health care decisions in Washington impacted real people and I learned that one of the biggest challenges of health reform is finding ways to keep costs low while improving outcomes and helping Americans lead healthier lives. I also learned that, in order to get …

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Real 21st-Century Reforms

Communications • June 16, 2015

“This week we’re paving the way toward patient-centered health care reforms – reforms that put people – not Washington, D.C. bureaucrats – in the drivers’ seats of their health care decisions.” Click to Play Republican Leadership Press Conference June 16, 2015 Participants: Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) Majority …

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Reality Check: Obamacare Edition

Communications • June 9, 2015

For too many Americans, Obamacare has resulted in skyrocketing rates, cancelled insurance plans, and confusing new regulations. The President’s out-of-touch actions ignore the reality that Obamacare makes life harder for families all across this country. Recent headlines paint a much clearer picture: PRESIDENT OBAMA: “…we haven’t had a lot of conversation about the horrors of …

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McMorris Rodgers: Another Step Forward in Medical Innovation

Communications • May 6, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) issued the following statement today after the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) indicated they have decided to update Medicare’s coverage policy on speech-generating devices (SGDs). Their proposal addresses one of the issues mentioned in a bipartisan, bicameral letter sent last August to the Secretary of …

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Health Care > Budget | CMR | Health Care

McMorris Rodgers: Empowering Americans With A Balanced Budget

Communications • March 24, 2015

“The people are different, but their stories are the same: Obamacare has made their lives worse. That’s why the Balanced Budget for a Stronger America repeals Obamacare and makes the government accountable to you.” Republican Leadership Press Conference March 24, 2015 Participants: Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) Majority Whip Steve Scalise …

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Accountability > Health Care > Jobs > Health Care | POV | Small Business

Points of View

Communications • March 11, 2015

This week, House Republicans set their sights on solutions — solutions to cut the red tape strangling small businesses, alternatives to the President’s broken health care law, and ensuring American families are safe and secure at home and abroad. Read and watch below for this week’s Points of View! Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA) “Denham Discusses Netanyahu’s Address” Telemundo, Enfoque …

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Health Care > Health Care

An Off-Ramp From ObamaCare

Jared Powell • March 3, 2015

A month ago today, the House voted – again – to repeal the President’s flawed health care law that has hurt Americans all across this country. But we did more than vote to repeal ObamaCare – we announced a task force, led by three committee chairmen, to propose a common-sense alternative. In today’s edition of the Wall Street Journal, …

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Health Care > Jobs > Opportunities > Security > Accountability > #ObamaSaysNo | Health Care | Jobs and the Economy | Keystone XL


Jared Powell • February 26, 2015

During his first six years in office, President Obama vetoed a total of two bills that  reached his desk. But his veto today of the job-creating Keystone XL Pipeline project is a discouraging sign that things are about to change. By saying no to Keystone, the New York Times reports, “Mr. Obama will be opening the …

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Important Questions for Secretary Burwell

Chairman Joe Pitts • February 25, 2015

What is the administration doing in advance of the upcoming Supreme Court decision regarding Obamacare? When will the backend of finally be built? These are just a couple of the important questions Americans are asking about the president’s health care law as the second open enrollment period was scheduled to end (even more so …

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