Points of View

Communications • April 30, 2015


House Republicans recognize there are very real threats around the world – and this week, House Republicans addressed solutions that will help keep American families safe and secure. Making cybersecurity a priority helps us play defense, while increased trade creates stronger international bonds and opportunities at home. Read and watch below for this week’s Points of View!

House Select Committee On Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC)
Why The Benghazi Report Will Be Delayed Until 2016
Fox News, On The Record With Greta Van Susteren

“We are trying to do this the right way, which is gather the evidence and have a single conversation about Benghazi.”

Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX)
Rep. Will Hurd on Challenges of Fighting Homegrown Terror
Fox News, America’s News HQ

“It’s the number one problem we face right now from a foreign policy and natural resources perspective –and everyone is working really hard on this issue.”

Rep. Will Hurd

House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX)
Preventing A Cyber Pearl Harbor
Austin American Statesmen

“The digital networks of American businesses and the U.S. government are under siege from dangerous cyber hackers intent on stealing trade secrets and sensitive information.

“The cyber breach at Anthem compromised the health care accounts of 80 million individuals — affecting 1 out of every 4 Americans in the most private way.

“Today, this generation faces different threats to our national security that the generations before us. We now live in a new threat environment where digital bombs can go undetected and cause massive devastation.”

House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX)
The Climate Change Religion
Wall Street Journal

“Both the president and Mr. Kerry cited rapidly warming global temperatures and ever-more-severe storms caused by climate change as reasons for urgent action.

“America will never meet the president’s arbitrary targets without the country being subjected to costly regulations, energy rationing and reduced economic growth.

“The intellectual dishonesty of senior administration officials who are unwilling to admit when they are wrong is astounding. When assessing climate change, we should focus on good science, not politically correct science.”

Rep. Diane Black (R-TN)
Why I Am Reintroducing the FIREARM Act: No citizen Should Have to Play ’20 Questions’ to Own A Gun
Fox News

“Those of us who clung to our Second Amendment rights before are keeping an even tighter grip today as the Obama Administration continues its efforts to chip away at these fundamental freedoms.

“Besides being highly intrusive, many find the similar back-to-back questions to be just plain confusing and, as a result, check one box or the other instead of both. This is considered an ATF violation and, when a gun dealer is audited, could result in the loss of their license.

“Washington may not be able to agree on much these days, but protecting our Second Amendment should be an area of broad consensus. Law abiding citizens should never have to play a game of 20 questions with Uncle Sam just to access this basic right.”

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX)
Brady Briefing: Texas and America Are Built for Trade
Kingwood Observer

“Trade agreements with our global competitors where everyone benefits, everyone follows the rules and everyone has the same opportunity are proving to be key in selling more American products and services across the globe.

“We can do more but unfortunately there are too many countries that still keep ‘America need not apply’ barriers firmly in place, preventing us from competing on a level playing field for their customers.

“The key to America’s economic growth is creating a system of fair rules and enforcement so that U.S. products and services are always competing on a level playing field.”

Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL)
Trade Agreement Will Boost U.S. Economy
Tampa Bay Times

“China, India and a unified European bloc are vying to become the new global powerhouse of the 21st century.

“One of the surest ways to grow our economy is by opening up foreign markets to American products. Nationally, more than 38 million American jobs are tied to trade.

Trade agreements like TPP — predicated upon accountability, enforceability and transparency — are vital to both America’s economic security and national security.”

Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI)
America is Under Cyberattack
Detroit News 

“Businesses have lost billions in recovery costs and the value of intellectual property; customer bank accounts and identities have been confiscated

“Specifically, legislation (HR 1731) that came out of the Homeland Security Committee on which I serve as vice chairman, provides liability protections for those in the private sector who voluntarily share cyber threat indicators with others in the private sector and through Homeland Security’s National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center.

“Our reliance on cyberspace to perform the vital tasks of everyday life has grown exponentially over the last two decades. Our enemies, and the criminal underworld, have responded accordingly by making cyberspace their battlefield of choice. Unfortunately, our defense capabilities have not always kept pace.”

Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA)
Trade Authority Creates Jobs, Growth for Nation and State
Yakima Herald

“As one of the most trade-supported states in the country, Washington’s economy is poised to benefit from approval of trade promotion legislation currently being debated in Congress.

“Last year, Washington exported $8.9 billion in agricultural goods, a significant portion of the state’s total value of $90 billion in exported products and services.

“Effectively-negotiated trade treaties have the potential to help recapture recently-lost market share over time by reducing trade barriers and opening markets. Approval of TPA will allow effective negotiation of high-standard trade deals that can boost jobs and our economy.”

Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL)
First 100 Days: Keeping My Promises to You
Charlotte Sun

“We passed three bills to create jobs while reducing energy costs by expanding North American energy production – including construction of the Keystone Pipeline.

“The House laid the groundwork to reduce the size and scope of the federal government with a budget that balances in 10 years. Our plan repeals Obamacare, overhauls the tax code by closing loopholes and reducing rates, and saves Medicare and Social Security for future generations.

“I have repeatedly called on President Obama to present a comprehensive, effective strategy to defeat and destroy ISIS. I have been an outspoken opponent of the President’s dangerous nuclear deal with Iran and his appeasement of the Castro regime.”


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