Congressman John Delaney

Representing the 6th District of Maryland
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Jobs and the Economy

The great recession left millions of Americans unemployed and millions more struggling to support their families. Although we’ve made progress, it is clear that we still have work to do. Moreover longer-term changes, brought by globalization and technology, have drastically changed our economy in the last three decades. With that in mind, competitiveness – how we can position our businesses and workers to compete on a global market –  is the lens through which I analyze economic policy.

As the only former CEO of a publicly traded company currently serving in Congress, I understand that we need a vibrant private sector to create long-term job growth and a strong middle class. I support policies that encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and a better climate for business.

There is also a role for government in making our country more competitive. Around the globe the healthiest economies are those where the public and private sector work together. My competitiveness agenda has five key components: 1) investing in a world-class education and research system for our workers, 2) developing a national energy policy that encourages domestic energy production with a goal towards becoming an alternative energy leader, 3) immigration reform so that the best and brightest can work for our companies, 4) infrastructure investment to rebuild our roads and bridges, and 5) a grand bargain budget deal to get our fiscal house in order.

In May I introduced the first major component of my competitiveness agenda, the Partnership to Build America Act (H.R. 2084). My legislation would finance up to $750 billion in infrastructure investment at no cost to the taxpayer, instead bonds would be sold to the private sector. With strong support from Republicans and Democrats, it represents the bipartisan approach to job creation that I believe is essential. For more information on the Partnership to Build America Act, click here.

More on Jobs and the Economy

Dec 12, 2014

WASHINGTON – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) has filed legislation, the Infrastructure and Global Tax Competitiveness Act, to strengthen America’s economy by rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure and reforming the broken corporate tax code. The legislation is designed to create jobs, spur economic growth, improve quality of life, and discourage corporate inversions.

Nov 20, 2014

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a report outlining how the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) can improve their process for designating nonbank institutions as a Systemically Important Financial Institution (SIFI). A SIFI designation triggers additional regulatory requirements.

Nov 13, 2014

December's edition of Fortune featured an op-ed by Alan Murray on the need for more elected officials with a businessperson's point of view. Murrary writes:

I voted in the midterms, but it wasn’t very satisfying. I used to think elections were the way we addressed society’s most pressing problems. No longer. Now they are like sporting events: 53–47. Go, team.

Nov 13, 2014

WASHINGTON – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) has authored an op-ed calling on Congress to work together to rebuild America’s infrastructure. Delaney outlines how there is deep bipartisan support for a new jobs plan that combines infrastructure investment and international tax reform to make the country more competitive.

Sep 25, 2014

On Tuesday, September 23 Congressman John Delaney met with Frederick residents to discuss local infrastrutcure needs. Delaney is the author of The Partnership to Build America Act (H.R. 2084) a bipartisan bill to rebuild America.

Here's the Frederick News-Post's coverage of the meeting:


U.S. Rep. John Delaney pledged his support for several Frederick County transportation projects at a meeting with local transportation advocates.

Sep 22, 2014

With more than nine million Americans still searching for work, one of our top priorities should be helping the private sector create more jobs. Last week, I was happy to see Members of both parties come together to support a strategy for improving job growth here in the United States, passing a comprehensive jobs bill, including my own legislation making it easier for companies to go public. 


Sep 19, 2014

WASHINGTON – Thursday the House passed The Jobs for America Act (H.R.4), legislation that includes multiple bills and is designed to reduce taxes, regulations, and unfunded mandates. The Jobs for America Act also encourages small business growth, research and development, and the hiring of more veterans. The bill reforms the Affordable Care Act to prevent unintended consequences that lead to more workers becoming part-time and forbids state and local governments from taxing internet access.

Sep 17, 2014

WASHINGTON – Tuesday, the House has passed the Promoting Job Creation and Reducing Small Business Burdens Act (H.R. 5405), a comprehensive bill that includes legislation introduced by Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) designed to make it easier for companies to go public by streamlining the Initial Public Offering (IPO) process. Delaney’s legislation, The Improving Access to Capital for Emerging Growth Companies Act (H.R.

Sep 4, 2014

WASHINGTON – Today, the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) announced that MetLife has been preliminarily designated as a Systematically Important Financial Institution (SIFI), triggering additional regulatory requirements.

Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) a member of the House Committee on Financial Services, issues the following statement:

Sep 2, 2014

WASHINGTON – Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) hosted a workforce development forum with United States Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez Tuesday morning at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG). The event brought together educators, business owners, and elected officials and was attended by over 100 people. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Stewart Edelstein, Executive Director of the Universities at Shady Grove. Dr.
