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Honorable Tim Walz

Representing the 1st District of MINNESOTA

Walz Attends 3rd Annual Conservation Potluck

Aug 14, 2015
Press Release

Prior to the potluck, Walz fished on Camp Creek with local Minnesota Trout Unlimited members

Preston, MN [8/14/15]—Today, Representative Tim Walz attended a potluck lunch with conservation leaders. Prior to the potluck, Walz fished on Camp Creek with local Minnesota Trout Unlimited members.

The potluck is a fun, informal way for agriculture, conservation, hunting, and outdoor enthusiasts to discuss coalition building and preserving our natural state treasures, which are enjoyed year round in Minnesota and add billions of dollars to our economy every year.

“This is about having a vision for our future; to conserve our natural state treasures and the billions of dollars the outdoor industry provides to our economy, while at the same time positioning ourselves to lead the world in energy and food production and create good paying jobs,” Representative Walz said. “I believe we shouldn’t be presented with the false choice of good conservation policy or a good economy. Minnesota is proving that we can do both.  Moving forward, I will continue to fight to protect our natural state treasures we’ve all come to enjoy. Doing so will ensure that we’re able to feed the world and enjoy the outdoors for both recreation and to make a living off of for generations to come.”

“We are thrilled to have Representative Walz visit with us today to talk about how we build coalitions and protect critical habitat,” said John Lenczewski, Executive Director, Minnesota Trout Unlimited. “He has been a true leader on conservation efforts, not only for southeastern Minnesota, but for our entire region.”

Walz—a leading voice in Congress on conservation, agriculture, and energy policy—served on the bipartisan, bicameral Farm Bill Conference Committee that worked out a final compromise on the new, long-term Farm Bill that conservation groups praised as a win for hunters, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts. He also recently introduced bipartisan legislation to protect our natural state treasures and invigorate the outdoor economy. The Sportsmen’s Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Enhancement Act reauthorizes several proven, effective conservation measures to conserve critical hunting and fishing habitat. Walz also highlighted the need for a long term strategy on sustainable farming practices to ensure Minnesota producers are able to feed, fuel and clothe the world for generations to come.
