Press Releases

‘Our constituents don’t want campaign speeches and hyper-partisan accusations - they want security for their home and savings’

WASHINGTON, D.C.— U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor Wednesday regarding the economy and the need for a bipartisan approach to financial security:

“Families all across America are concerned about their financial security. As Congress, the administration and Federal Reserve consider the appropriate measures to strengthen our capital markets, I believe it’s imperative that we do so in a bipartisan manner.

“Now more than ever is the time to rise above politics and work together. Our constituents don’t want campaign speeches and hyper-partisan accusations - they want security for their home and savings. They want energy security and lower costs for gas and oil. And they want protection from future tax hikes on their income.

“Government should be focused on bipartisan efforts to address the fundamental problems in the credit markets and must be cautious in putting taxpayer dollars at risk. And we should work together to help all Americans.”
