Press Releases

The Dole-Shalala Report

July 26, 2007

Commission presents Congress with recommendations for further caring for our troops and veterans; Senate-passed Wounded Warriors legislation will address many recommendations

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement on Thursday regarding the release of the President’s Commission on Care for America’s Returning Wounded Warriors Report which examined conditions at military and veteran medical centers:

“Sen. Dole and Sec. Shalala have provided some useful recommendations as to how we can further improve medical conditions and programs for the men and women of our military. This report will receive strong consideration as we address our responsibility to provide our troops and veterans the finest treatment. And passing the Wounded Warriors Bill on Wednesday was a strong first step towards ensuring our brave troops and veterans receive nothing less than the best care when they come home.”


In March, President Bush announced that former Sen. Bob Dole and former Health and Human Services Sec. Donna Shalala were to co-chair a commission on conditions at military and veteran medical centers and provide recommendations to improve veteran care. The report released today is a compilation of their findings and proposals.
