Congressman Keith Rothfus

Representing the 12th District of Pennsylvania


Constituent Services

My staff and I are working hard every day to provide you - our 705,000 employers with top-notch customer and constituent services. Do you need help with Medicare, Social Security, the VA, or the IRS? We have helped hundreds of constituents resolve issues with these agencies and other parts of the federal government.

schoolroom desks and chairs


Learn about my work in Congress on Education issues.


Our nation must develop an “all of the above” approach to domestic energy production so that we can grow our economy, add jobs, and advance towards North American energy independence.
US Capitol Building

Financial Services

As a member of the Financial Services Committee, I address issues concerning the banking system, housing, insurance, and securities markets. The committee also has jurisdiction over monetary policy, international finance, international monetary organizations, and efforts to combat terrorism financing. The Committee oversees the Federal Reserve Board and individual reserve banks, the Treasury, the production and distribution of currency, and the Nation’s capital markets.
United Nations flags

Foreign Policy

Learn my views on Foreign Policy issues.

Health Care

We should be proud of the excellent care that doctors and nurses provide in Western Pennsylvania and throughout America. However, in order to address the rising cost of health care and the lack of access to health insurance coverage, we need health care reform.

Jobs & Economy

President Obama’s economy is failing families, young people, seniors, workers, and future generations. Too many Western Pennsylvanians and other Americans are unemployed, underemployed, or have given up looking for work.


Medicare is critically important for seniors by providing health care coverage. Congress must work to strengthen and secure Medicare so that it is there for future generations.

National Defense

Defense and National Security are important to our district and to my work in Congress. Learn more about my views on this issue.

Right to Life

The right to life is enshrined in our nation’s founding documents. One of the most important ways in which the federal government can uphold this right is by defending those who cannot defend themselves, including the unborn, the terminally ill, and the elderly.

Social Security

Social Security is an important source of financial support and economic security for seniors. While reforms are necessary to ensure Social Security’s sustainability, it is important that we hold the government accountable and make sure that it is able to honor the commitments it has made to our nation’s seniors.

Spending & Debt

The surging debt and persistent deficits run up by the federal government are a threat to our economy, national security, seniors, and veterans. Today, every American’s share of the national debt is roughly $53,000. That would pay for a family’s groceries for nearly seven years or a four-year degree at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown.
tax form and coins

Tax Reform

I am committed to comprehensive tax reform to fix our complex, burdensome tax code. Enacting serious tax reform to produce a fairer, flatter, simpler tax code will help Americans grow the economy in unprecedented ways.

Term Limits

Washington is broken. Citizen legislators with real world and private sector experience are needed now more than ever given the challenges we face. Term limits would ensure that our representatives and senators serve for a season and then return to life as private citizens.
airplane in flight


Western Pennsylvanians rely on our roads, bridges, railroads, and other transportation infrastructure every day to commute to work, engage in commerce, create jobs, and take their kids to school. Our region has significant infrastructure needs, which makes infrastructure investments critical.


It is my privilege to serve the many men and women in uniform and the veterans who live in Pennsylvania’s Twelfth Congressional District.