Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Pine Journal: Nolan receives Golden Triangle Award

Oct 27, 2015
In The News

Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) and National Farmers Union (NFU) presented Representative Rick Nolan with the Golden Triangle Award, the dual organization’s highest legislative honor. This award is presented to members of Congress who have demonstrated leadership in agricultural policies and support the policies that benefit America’s family farmers, ranchers, fishermen and rural communities.

This year’s Golden Triangle recipients were selected for their leadership on a variety of issues, including votes on labeling and trade issues. The awards were presented at a reception during NFU’s 2015 Legislative Fly-In this September in Washington D.C.

“We believe that Representative Rick Nolan has been a strong, supporting advocate for family farmers and ranchers in Minnesota.” said MFU President Doug Peterson, “Rick has a 100 percent voting record with the policies that we support here in Minnesota Farmers Union and National Farmers Union, and we appreciate his work and his voice on the behalf of MN farmers on the Hill.”
