Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Klobuchar and Nolan Secure Cisco Fish Harvest for Fall 2016

Sep 20, 2016
Press Release

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar and U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today announced the annual cisco bait fish harvest at the Prairie Portage would be allowed to proceed this year, following recent confirmation from Superior National Forest Supervisor Connie Cummins.

The Forest Service also informed the lawmakers the agency would continue working with the Minnesota DNR and angling stakeholders in the Ely area to determine an alternative location for the 2017 harvest.

“I’m glad my efforts with Congressman Nolan have paid off and the annual cisco bait fish harvest will be allowed to proceed,” said Klobuchar. “This announcement is great news for the economy and for sportsmen.”

“This is wonderful news for our region,” Nolan said. “Prairie Portage has historically served as a critical supply point for bait shop owners near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. They, in turn, serve the sport fishermen who contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to our Minnesota tourist economy. These businesses that could be affected by any potential loss of cisco harvest should be a part of the discussions.”

The confirmation follows previous correspondence and meetings between the lawmakers and the U.S. Forest Service, including a letter urging the agency to allow future cisco harvests to go forward at Prairie Portage while an acceptable alternative long-term solution was negotiated.  In the letter, Klobuchar and Nolan stated that the nature of the harvest is not diminishing the quality or character of the wilderness, and is arguably much less intrusive than other commercially-sanctioned activities.

Click here to view the lawmakers’ letter.