Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Nolan Applauds Suspension of Collection from California National Guard, Calls for Total Bonus Debt Forgiveness

Oct 26, 2016
Press Release

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today applauded Secretary of Defense Ash Carter’s decision to order the immediate suspension of all efforts to collect reimbursement from affected National Guard members as a positive first step. Nolan also called for the unequivocal forgiveness of wrongfully-awarded bonuses given to soldiers through no fault of their own. These soldiers received a bonus while reenlisting to serve our Nation in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“There is only one word for this: Outrageous,” Nolan said. “America’s obligation to our Veterans is permanent and sacred. I’m calling on the Pentagon go further than simply reversing this decision in California. We must take steps to ensure that this sort of terrible situation never occurs again to any of our Nation’s Veterans.”

Nolan also stated that soldiers who have already paid back their bonus should be refunded. Many of these soldiers went to extreme lengths, such as remortgaging their homes, in order to return the bonus they had received years ago.

Nolan is working with his colleagues in the National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus to fix the situation in California and understand the scope of the issue, as it may also affect National Guard members in Minnesota and around the country.