

A group of visitors walking in in front of the Capitol Building
Building, Infrastructure, People The Architect of the Capitol is committed to...


Safety canopy rising inside the interior dome of the Capitol
The Architect of the Capitol will conduct a briefing for media on the reopening...

Meet the Leaders: Cannon Renewal Project

By Kristen Frederick

Those dedicated to managing the operation of the 10-year, five-phased Cannon Renewal discuss the project and what leadership means to them.

Building illustration for the Cannon Renewal.
The United States Capitol in 1846, with its original dome designed by Charles Bulfinch
May 13, 2013
Throughout the U.S. Capitol Building’s 220-year history, there have been many workers who have labored in obscurity, their names forever lost to the passage of time. Recently when I was researching the third Architect of the Capitol, Charles Bulfinch, I stumbled across a Capitol worker with an interesting (and largely forgotten) story.More »
"Celebration of the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, . . . April 19, 1866," wood engraving by Frank Dielman, Harper's Weekly, May 12, 1866
April 22, 2013
Sharon Gang, Communications & Marketing Manager for the Capitol Visitor Center (CVC) explores the CVC’s new exhibit, Conflict and Compromise. More »
Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural at the U.S. Capitol
April 15, 2013
AOC Public Affairs Officer Matt Guilfoyle watches "Lincoln" and "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter"-- and is surprised by which film more accurately depicts the U.S. Capitol.More »
Squirrels on the Capitol Grounds
April 11, 2013
When walking across the Capitol Grounds there is one critter that can consistently be seen out and about – the squirrel. When did squirrels first come to Washington, D.C. and how did they end up here? Archivist Andria Leo took a look through AOC’s historical records to investigate the history of the squirrel at the Capitol. More »
Cherry Blossoms at the Senate Parks on the Capitol Grounds
April 8, 2013
Spring in Washington, D.C. is one of the most beautiful times to visit the nation’s Capitol; it is also the busiest. Learn about five beautiful, and less known spots to enjoy the warm weather on the Capitol Grounds.More »
Phlox subulata flowers blooming
April 2, 2013
Bill McLaughlin, Plant Curator at the U.S. Botanic Garden highlights plants currently in bloom at the U.S. Capitol.More »
The scaffold for the Supreme Court's restoration is wrapped in a scrim enclosure printed with a full-size photograph of the building’s façade.
March 26, 2013
Take a look behind the scrim at the restoration work underway on the U.S. Supreme Court Building's West Front façade to address deterioration due to age, weather and nature. Take a look behind the scrim at the work. More »
The quarry at Government Island provided sandstone for the construction of the White House and the U.S. Capitol building.
March 18, 2013
AOC Public Affairs Officer Matt Guilfoyle walks in the footsteps of the masons and laborers who worked the quarry at Government Island in Aquia, Virginia, to gather stone for the U.S. Capitol more than 200 years ago. More »
The East Front of the U.S. Capitol at Dusk
March 12, 2013
The AOC works to make the Capitol Dome, an enduring symbol of democracy recognized throughout the world, visible to all throughout the night. Learn about this history of the lighting of this iconic building.More »
The Capitol Crypt, which now houses statuary and exhibitions, was once used as an informal storage space where bicycles were parked, seen here circa 1900.
March 4, 2013
The term "crypt" has long referred to a space beneath the main floor of a church or a chamber in a mausoleum. For many of us it suggests somber, stony silence and perhaps dusty coffins. The Capitol Crypt, however, is a different thing altogether. More »
Trout Lily in the U.S. Botanic Garden
February 26, 2013
The U.S. Botanic Garden’s Conservation & Sustainability Horticulturist, Ray Mims, takes a look at the importance of spring ephemerals, which are featured in the Garden’s current exhibit, Understory, on display now through October 14, 2013. More »
Construction of Capitol extensions
February 20, 2013
Montgomery Meigs – a man who built the Capitol while helping save the Union it represents - may be America’s greatest engineer. More »
Louise and Robert Pearl at the exact moment of their engagement in front of the Ford Building.
February 14, 2013
For 10 years, I have walked through the doors of the 3rd Street entrance to the Ford Building, never knowing that right outside those very same doors — 72 years ago — something happened that greatly influenced my life.More »
State of the Union on January 24, 2012
February 8, 2013
Every winter, Congress has the honor of welcoming the President of the United States to the U.S. Capitol for the annual State of the Union Address. Architect of the Capitol Stephen T. Ayers reflects on the AOC's role in support this momentous event.More »
AOC General Counsel Jason Baltimore standing next to a tour of people
February 4, 2013
Kristen Frederick, AOC congressional liaison, sits down with Jason Baltimore, AOC’s first African American general counsel, to discuss what brought him to the Architect of the Capitol and what opportunities lie ahead for him in his new role.More »


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