Index to Attachments

A.  Four of the TRMPAC-related indictments issued by the District Court of Travis County, Texas, September 21, 2004

B.  Memorandum of May 17, 2002 from Mr. Doug Lawrence to other Westar executives regarding suggested campaign contributions

C.  Exchange of e-mails of May 20, 2002 between Mr. Douglas Lawrence and Mr. Douglas Lake of Westar

D.  Materials entitled “PUHCA Repeal & The Investment Company Act: An Unintended Problem,” received by Mr. Jack Victory from Westar lobbyists in 2002

E.  Section 125 of discussion drafts of electricity legislation circulated to members of the House Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee by Subcommittee Chairman Joe Barton on September 21, 2001 and October 9, 2001

F.  Section 125 of H.R. 3406, the Electric Supply and Transmission Act, introduced by Representative Barton on December 5, 2001

G.  Section 156 of a Proposed House Offer to the Senate on electricity issues circulated by Chairman Tauzin and Representative Barton on September 13, 2002, and Section 136 of a Proposed House Offer circulated on September 18, 2002

H.  Transcript of September 19, 2002 debate and vote of House conferees on amendment by Representative Markey to strike Section 136 of the Proposed House Offer

I.  Letter of September 30, 2002 from Representative Markey to conferees regarding Section 136, enclosing letter of September 27, 2002 from John Wine, Chairman of the Kansas Corporation Commission, and SEC Form 8-K filed by Westar on September 27, 2002

J.  E-mail of September 30, 2002 from Mr. Doug Lawrence to Westar CEO David Wittig and Westar executive Kelly B. Harrison

K.  Memorandum of April 23, 2002 from Mr. Richard Bornemann to Mr. Doug Lawrence of Westar

L.  Invitations to 2002 Tex-Cajun Cookout fundraisers sponsored by Representatives Tauzin and Barton

M.  Communications relating to Westar attendance at energy company fundraiser of June 2-3, 2002

N.  Memorandum of June 25, 2002 from Mr. Doug Lawrence to other Westar officers regarding campaign contributions

O.  Memorandum of June 28, 2002 (faxed July 16, 2002) from Mr. Rick Bornemann requesting an appointment with Representative DeLay for Westar CEO David Wittig

P.  Directive from the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives to the Sergeant-at-Arms dated May 12, 2003; letter of May 12, 2002 from the Texas House Sergeant-at-Arms to the Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety; and letter of May 12, 2002 from the Attorney General of Texas to the Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety