Bill Introduced Description
S.2939 May-17-16
State, Territory, and Local Government Bailout Prevention Act
S.2935 May-17-16
End Housing Subsidies for the Rich Act of 2016
S.2924 May-13-16
Max Cleland Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2016
S.2909 May-10-16
CAPTIVE Act or Clarifying Amendment to Provide Terrorism Victims Equity Act
S.2903 May-09-16
Max Cleland Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2016
S.2890 Apr-28-16
Christa McAuliffe Commemorative Coin Act of 2016
S.2867 Apr-27-16
SEC Small Business Advocate Act of 2016
S.2819 Apr-20-16
A bill to establish the Council on Healthy Housing and for other purposes.
S.2818 Apr-19-16
A bill to reduce housing-related health hazards, and for other purposes.
S.2790 Apr-13-16
A bill to provide requirements for the appropriate Federal banking agencies when requesting or ordering a depository institution to terminate a specific customer account, to provide for additional requirements related to subpoenas issued under the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, and for other purposes.