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Congressman Mike Thompson

Representing the 5th District of CALIFORNIA


Aug 5, 2015
Press Release

Washington, DCU.S. Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-5), a former senior member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and Vietnam combat veteran, today issued the following statement in support of the Iran Nuclear Agreement:

“A nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable. There are only two ways to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon: diplomacy or military force. My first choice is diplomacy.

“As a combat veteran and former member of the Intelligence Committee, I have been following this issue closely for many years. I have reviewed the intelligence, read the classified documents and had numerous meetings with experts both inside and outside of the Obama Administration, including Nicholas Burns, who served as undersecretary of state under President George W. Bush.

“After a careful and detailed evaluation, I believe the deal struck by the Obama Administration is the best way forward. The intelligence clearly points towards the fact that this deal is better than the status quo. Iran is already a nuclear threshold state. If we continue down the current path, Iran will likely make progress in developing a nuclear weapon. Under this deal, we will be able to halt the Iranian’s activates for 10 to 15 years, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will have enormous access for inspections and Iran will be obligated to forever honor their inspections, and the United States and our allies will be able to fully engage the regime to do everything possible to make sure Iran never develops a nuclear weapon.

“While I do not trust Iran nor like their leadership, the President has correctly pointed out that you don't negotiate peace agreements with those you know, like and trust. This deal is in the best interest of the United States and our allies, Israel included.  I will support the deal when it comes before Congress for a vote.”


Congressman Mike Thompson is proud to represent California’s 5th Congressional District, which includes all or part of Contra Costa, Lake, Napa, Solano and Sonoma Counties.  He is a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee. Rep. Thompson is also a member of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition and chairs the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Wine Caucus.


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