Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Jul 16, 2014 Video

Is an additional $5 million for the Small Business Administration worth it? You better believe it is. The SBA is all about helping women - veterans - Native Americans - and every entrepreneur. It's about turning good ideas into successful businesses and good-paying jobs. Watch me make the case to my colleagues on the House Floor.

Jun 12, 2014 Video

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan joined House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) to announce new legislation being added to the Democrats’ Make It In America jobs plan to strengthen American manufacturing and bring jobs back to the U.S. 

Jun 10, 2014 Video

This year's Transportation Housing & Urban Development (T-HUD) bill would cut the TIGER grant program by 80%, costing us jobs, hurting American manufacturing, and stifling innovation.

Jun 6, 2014 Video

DULUTH - Veterans were the focus of an event held in the Twin Ports Thursday. U.S. Congressman Rick Nolan hosted a round table at the Duluth Vet Center.
