Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Sep 26, 2013 Video

In a one minute speech on the House Floor, Rep. Nolan urged the Speaker to put aside political gridlock and get to work balancing the budget, ending the sequester, and rebuilding America.

Sep 24, 2013 Video

"I urge this body to set aside the folly of these SNAP cuts and recognize the right of every human being to good, nutritious meals, regardless of how little money you make, or how young or old you are, or where you live."

Sep 12, 2013 Video

Rep. Nolan spoke on the House Floor about our desperate need to start rebuilding America by reinvesting in our middle class, starting by raising the minimum wage and rebuilding our infrastructure to generate good-paying jobs and creating opportunity and success for everyone by going after unfair tax and trade policy.

Jul 31, 2013 Video

As a businessman, the last thing I would ever do is close up shop with a pile of orders left to fill and work left to do. But that’s exactly what Congress is doing. We're about to adjourn for the August recess with a pile of legislation left on the table. The American people expect and deserve better. Watch me tell the Speaker just that.

Jul 10, 2013 Video
At a July 3rd meeting of concerned residents, I told the group that the proposed Westerly route of Highway 53 is an absolutely unacceptable route that would destroy a century of commerce and shared services development in the Iron Range metro complex.
"You go into the business that I'm in to make a difference for the people that you represent.
