Candice Miller

Candice Miller


Air Force: Selfridge Considered for F-35s


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Candice S. Miller (MI-10) issued the following statement after the Air Force announced that Selfridge Air National Guard Base is one of five bases being considered to host F-35A fighter aircraft: 

“Throughout my entire career, I have fought to ensure that the A-10 fleet was not retired until the Air Force could put forward an equally capable follow-on platform, and there is no better place to host this follow-on platform, the F-35, than Selfridge Air National Guard Base.

“Last year, the 127th Wing was named the Top Flying Unit in the National Guard because of the brave men and women who serve there and their unparalleled performance in battle. However, Selfridge, a strategically located northern border base, is also perfectly positioned to host the assets that safeguard both our national and homeland security.

“The servicemen and women who served there, their prime real estate, and world-class facilities are some of the many factors that work in our favor as the Air Force considers which bases will host the F-35s. The consideration of Selfridge itself demonstrates that the Air Force is investing in and committed to the men and women who serve there, our community, and our state, and I am confident that they will find Selfridge a prime location for the F-35 unit.”  


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Huron County Receives $50,000 Grant to Alleviate Economic Impact of Harbor Beach Power Plant Closure


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) applauded the Economic Development Administration’s (EDA) approval of a $50,000 grant to establish an economic development plan to support capital investment and job creation in Huron County in light of the closure of DTE’s Harbor Beach power plant:

“As our nation’s energy industry and power sector changes, we must not neglect the communities who, for so many generations, have built their livelihood on providing our nation with the critical energy it needs,” Miller said. “This year, energy provider DTE announced they would close the Harbor Beach coal-fired power plant to make way for a natural gas turbine plant. While this change would provide Michiganians with cleaner, safer, more reliable energy, it also has the potential to have a devastating impact on the economies of surrounding communities. This grant, will develop an economic plan that helps the Huron County economy adapt, continue to support new business development, and job and economic growth.”

This grant is funded through the Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative. POWER is a coordinated effort, involving multiple federal agencies, with the goal of effectively aligning federal economic and workforce development programs and resources to assist communities negatively impacted by changes in the coal industry and power sector.


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Inn on Water Street Receives $642,000 Redevelopment Grant


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) applauded the Michigan Strategic Fund’s (MSF) approval of a $642,000 Michigan Community Revitalization Program grant awarded to the Inn on Water Street, LLC to help with the redevelopment of downtown Marine City.

“Since its founding, Marine City has always served as a destination along the historic St. Clair River,” said Miller. “In continuing with this tradition, downtown Marine City has continued to grow and thrive, most recently with the expected construction of the Inn on Water Street. This new hotel, which will be built on the site of a former car dealership, will generate $4.2 million in private investments, complementing the growth of the theater district, restaurant industry, and the entire downtown area. I applaud the Michigan Strategic Fund for awarding this critical $642,000 revitalization grant, which will promote the continued growth of Marine City.”

The Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF) was created in 1984 to promote economic development and create jobs in Michigan.  For more information about MSF, please visit them online:


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Miller Applauds DTE’s Commitment to Cleaner, Reliable Energy


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) issued the following statement after DTE Energy’s announcement that it will build a natural gas turbine plant in China Township, Michigan to replace the Belle River power plant, which DTE is retiring:

“I applaud DTE Energy’s commitment to providing Michiganians with cleaner, safer, more reliable energy. I strongly believe that energy independence equals national security and that we must continue to produce more reliable, affordable domestic energy in an effort to wean the U.S. off its reliance on foreign fossil fuels. However, I am also a fierce advocate of the environment and understand how important it is that we increasingly invest in cleaner energy technologies. Today’s announcement by DTE Energy underscores their dedication to doing both and I applaud their efforts.” 


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Congress Overrides President’s Veto of JASTA


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10), Vice Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, applauded the House and Senate for overriding the President’s veto and enacting into law the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). This law allows U.S. courts to hear cases involving claims against foreign states for injury or death that occurs inside of the U.S. as a result of international acts of terrorism. Upon enactment, Rep. Miller issued the following statement:

“Earlier this month, both the House and Senate unanimously passed the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, legislation that allows families of victims of terror, including those lost on 9/11, to seek financial compensation from foreign sponsors of terrorism. However, in a move that abandons the families of these loved ones, President Obama vetoed this legislation.

“Today, Congress took a stand, once again voicing their support of these victims and overriding the President’s veto. The families of the victims of terror have lost so much, and, although nothing can ever truly mend the loss they experience every day, they deserve the opportunity to seek justice in court. I am proud to have stood with my colleagues in support of this important legislation.”


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Fiat Chrysler Receives $4.56 Million for Sterling Heights Assembly Plant


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) applauded Michigan Strategic Fund’s (MSF) approval of a $4.56 million grant for Fiat Chrysler in light of the company’s $1.48 billion investment and announcement that it will create 700 new jobs at its Sterling Heights Assembly Plant:

“This summer, Fiat Chrysler announced it would invest $1.48 billion in revamping its Sterling Heights Assembly Plant in preparation for its role in the production of the next-generation Ram 1500. Creating an additional 700 jobs at the assembly plant, this investment is a major economic boost for the Sterling Heights community and underscores the continued resurgence of our domestic auto industry. Continuing to support our domestic auto industry is critical to Michigan’s economy and, really, the economy of our entire nation. Today, I applaud the Michigan Strategic Fund’s announcement that it will continue to support the industry through its $4.56 million grant for this assembly plant.”

The Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF) was created in 1984 to promote economic development and create jobs in Michigan.  For more information about MSF, please visit them online:


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Rep. Miller Applauds $400,000 Grant to Help with Reopening of Yen Group Manufacturing Plant in Port Huron


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) applauded Michigan Strategic Fund’s approval of a $400,000 grant to help with the reopening of Yen Group, LLC’s manufacturing plant in Port Huron.

“The reopening of the Yen Group’s manufacturing plant in Port Huron underscores the continued resurgence of our domestic auto industry,” Miller said. “Expected to create at least 80 jobs, the Yen Group’s more than $10 million investment is a welcome economic boon for the entire region.”

Yen Group, LLC specializes in fulfilling purchase orders of engine blocks, heads, and other engine components. The company plans to reopen its manufacturing plant in Port Huron, Michigan, investing $10.2 million and creating 80 jobs.

The Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF) was created in 1984 to promote economic development and create jobs in Michigan.  For more information about MSF, please visit them online:


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Miller on Terror Attacks in NYC & NJ


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10), Vice-Chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security, issued the following statement in response to this weekend’s bombings in New York City and New Jersey:

“My thoughts and prayers are with those wounded by this weekend’s senseless attacks in New York City and New Jersey. It is thanks to the swift actions of our first responders and law enforcement officers that those responsible are now being brought to justice. As Americans, we will not cower in the face of terror, but rise with the resolve and resilience that makes this country the greatest in the world.”


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House Blocks Transfer of Gitmo Prisoners to U.S.


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) issued the following statement after the House passed legislation prohibiting the transfer of any individual detained at Guantanamo Bay to U.S. soil or foreign countries:

“In an effort to make good on a misguided campaign promise, President Obama has repeatedly attempted to close Guantanamo Bay. I toured Gitmo and saw, firsthand, the facility operations and detainees, some of the world’s most heinous terrorists, including some directly tied to the attacks on September 11th. At a time when we continue to fight the ever-evolving threat posed by terrorist organizations like ISIS and al-Qaeda, it is unconscionable that President Obama would seek to transfer these known terrorists onto U.S. soil.

“The first and foremost responsibility of the federal government is to provide for the common defense of its citizens, and I will not allow this priority to be undermined by the President’s shortsighted actions. Just today, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence confirmed that, so far this year, 2 more prisoners released from Guantanamo Bay have returned to fighting alongside terror organizations. The President’s release of these prisoners and continued efforts to free more is reckless and irresponsible. In response, the House passed legislation that would immediately pause the transfer of these Gitmo detainees to U.S. soil and foreign countries in an effort to protect the security of Americans at home and around the world.”


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House Passes Legislation Strengthening Career and Technical Education Opportunities


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Candice Miller (MI-10) issued the following statement after a bipartisan majority of the House passed the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (H.R. 5587), legislation that seeks to provide more Americans with the skills they need to compete in a changing economy and ever-evolving workforce environment:

“According to the National Science Foundation, less than 25% of high school seniors are proficient in science and math, and, in an ever-increasingly STEM-based economy, this means, when it comes to workforce preparedness, we are failing our students. We need to ensure our students have the education they need to compete in a global economy, which is why, today, the House passed legislation that provides students with the skills and resources they need to pursue vital technical fields. This legislation provides states with the flexibility to tailor federal resources to their unique education and economic needs and streamlines career and technical education programs. Every student deserve the opportunity to develop the skills they need to participate in a 21st century economy, and I am confident these additional resources will help them do so.”

Highlights of the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act:

  • Delivers states more flexibility to use federal resources in response to changing education and economic needs.
  • Ensures career and technical education prepares all students, including historically disadvantaged and vulnerable students, for success in high-skill, high-wage occupations and careers in nontraditional fields. 
  • Improves alignment with in-demand jobs by supporting innovative learning opportunities, building better community partnerships, and encouraging stronger engagement with employers.
  • Enhances career and technical education through increased focus on employability skills, work-based learning opportunities, and meaningful credentialing so students are prepared to enter the workforce poised for success. 
  • Empowers state and local leaders to develop plans that improve the quality of career and technical education and take into account unique ‎local and state needs.



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Dinner on the Farm 2016

2016-06-29 13:30:17

Rep. Miller Honors Hundreds of Local Vietnam Veterans

2016-05-16 18:37:20

Rep. Miller Joins Frank Beckmann to Discuss Enbridge Line 5 Legislation

2016-04-29 14:21:08

Miller Introduces Bill to Shut Down Enbridge’s Line 5

2016-04-27 19:57:37

Rep. Miller on Future of Connected and Autonomous Military Vehicles

2016-04-26 19:23:05

2016 Art Discovery Competition

2016-04-27 13:05:24

House Passes Miller’s Border and Maritime Coordination Improvement Act

2016-04-14 16:23:44

Michigan's 10th Congressional Art Competition

2016-02-29 17:14:07

Rep. Miller Introduces $1 Billion Emergency Supplemental to Replace Flint’s Corroded Water System

2016-02-02 20:39:53

House Passes Legislation Bolstering the Cybersecurity at Our Nation’s Ports

2015-12-16 18:02:45

Rep. Miller Discusses Her Visa Waiver Program Legislation to be Considered Next Week

2015-12-03 21:13:59

Rep. Miller Joins On the Record's Greta Van Susteren to Discuss Her Visa Waiver Program Legislation

2015-12-01 15:10:01

Rep. Miller Questioning at Joint Hearing on Foreign Fighters

2015-11-18 20:15:18

Rep. Miller Joins WXYZ on Syrian Refugees in Michigan

2015-11-17 22:16:57

Rep. Candice Miller Joins Paul W at Annual Pancake Breakfast

2015-11-06 17:02:03

Michigan Women's Hall of Fame Inductee Candice S. Miller

2015-11-03 20:23:42

Rep. Miller Joins WPHM's Paul Miller on Michigan Defense Tour

2015-09-10 12:36:59

Rep. Miller Tours Walpole Island First Nation

2015-08-17 15:15:13

Rep. Miller Joins the Ira Township Library

2015-08-17 15:15:04

Rep. Miller on Legislation to Expand Preclearance Operations

2015-07-27 21:33:10

Contact Information

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Washington, DC 20515
Phone 202-225-2106
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Representative Candice Miller’s career in public service reflects a long history of efficiency and cost effectiveness – from her early roots on the Harrison Township Board of Trustees, to her current responsibilities representing Michigan’s 10th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Representative Miller is currently serving her sixth term after first being elected to office in November 2002.  In addition to representing the views of Michigan’s 10th Congressional District in the Halls of Congress, Representative Miller serves as Chairman of the Committee on House Administration; currently serving as the only woman chair of a committee in the U.S. House of Representatives.  She serves as Vice Chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security, as well as Chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security; and is a member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.  Representative Miller is also a member of the Deputy Whip Team.  In Congress, Representative Miller has been a leader on protecting the Great Lakes and promoting Michigan industry

Prior to her election to Congress, Representative Miller served two successful terms as Michigan’s Secretary of State.  Miller made dramatically improving customer service the hallmark of her administration and her work was recognized by the voters in 1998 when she was overwhelmingly re-elected, winning every county in the state and becoming the first statewide elected official to achieve a margin of victory of over 1,000,000 votes.  Her leadership not only led to improved services in Secretary of State Branch Offices, but also in the administration of elections.  Following the disputed 2000 election, the Ford – Carter Commission on National Election Reform cited Michigan’s Qualified Voter File, pioneered by Miller, as a national model, and also began the process of implementing a statewide uniform voting system.  All of her election reforms helped to reinforce Michigan’s reputation for free, fair, and open elections.

Representative Miller’s career in public service began when she was elected to the Harrison Township Board of Trustees in 1979.  Only one year later, she was elected Harrison Township Supervisor, becoming the youngest Supervisor in her township’s history, the first Republican since the Great Depression, and the first woman ever elected to the post.  During her 12 years as Supervisor, Harrison Township experienced explosive growth as she held the line on taxes and streamlining government to allow for job creation; all the while being hailed for doing so in an environmentally sensible manner.  In 1992 she was elected Macomb County Treasurer becoming the first Republican to win a countywide office in Macomb County in more than 60 years.

She and her husband, Retired Macomb County Circuit Court Judge Donald Miller, continue to reside in Harrison Township.  Judge Miller formerly served as Colonel in the Air National Guard.  He flew missions in Vietnam and was the base commander at Selfridge Air National Guard Base.  They have one daughter.

For the 113th Congress, Representative Miller was appointed to serve as Chairman of the Committee on House Administration (CHA), and is currently serving as the only woman chair of a committee in the U.S. House of Representatives.  CHA was established in 1947 and is charged with the oversight of federal elections and the day-to-day operations of the House of Representatives.

The Committee has the responsibility to ensure that the House of Representatives runs in an effective and efficient manner which is vital as we work to meet the many challenges facing this great nation.  Most importantly, this committee has jurisdiction over the federal election process, and as Chairman, Representative Miller is committed to making certain that the Committee enacts rules to ensure our nation continues to have open, free and fair elections.

Representative Miller’s past record and work experience as Chief Elections Officer during her time as Michigan’s Secretary of State will assist in accomplishing the many challenges set before our nation and ensuring that America effectively leads in the area of elections as that is the foundation for our democracy.

Representative Miller has served on the House Committee on Homeland Security since March 2008.  Representative Miller is currently serving as Vice Chair of the full House Committee on Homeland Security, and will continue to serve as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Securityfor the 113th Congress, a position she has held since January 2011.  She is also serving as a member of the Subcommittee on Transportation Security.

The federal government’s first and foremost responsibility is to provide for our national defense, and our common defense begins with a secure homeland.  The Committee is charged oversight of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and ensuring the primary focus remains on the protection of the American people.

As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security, Representative Miller has exercised effective oversight and created legislative efforts to ensure our nation’s borders are adequately secured against illegal immigration, drug and human smuggling, as well as the exploitation of the legitimate visa process.  During her tenure as Chairman in the 112th Congress, Representative Miller crafted important oversight legislation, such as to require DHS to produce a plan to secure the border and ensure the right mix of manpower, technology, and infrastructure is implemented to meeting the mission of a secure border.  In addition, Representative Miller crafted legislation to increase oversight over the maritime security mission of DHS, as well as strengthening maritime security at home and abroad as we trade with our trusted partners.

Within her roles on the Committee in the 113th Congress, Representative Miller will continue to push needed legislation that will ensure we implement strong protections for our borders and global supply chain.  Our nation’s borders can and must be secured, and her goal will be to see that DHS is making progress to confront the threats of terrorism, cyber security, and mismanagement of the Department in these areas vital to our national security and continuing to work towards a secure border and a safer homeland.

Michigan’s 10th Congressional District is a border district.  It is home to the Blue Water Bridge which is the second busiest commercial border crossing on the northern tier, Selfridge Air National Guard Base which has expanding missions in the area of homeland security, Coast Guard stations at Selfridge, Port Huron, and Harbor Beach, it borders Chemical Valley which is one of the largest collections of petro-chemical operations in North America, the CN Rail Tunnel which is the busiest rail artery in the U.S., and is where the genesis of important trade arteries interstates I-94 and I-69.

Miller has focused her efforts on building a stronger presence of homeland security assets at Selfridge, enhancing the security of our airways, roadways, railways, and waterways, in addition to securing our food and water supplies by enhancing Northern Border security.

The Committee on Homeland Security was established in 2002 to provide congressional oversight for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and better protect the American people against a possible terrorist attack.  Many of the programs at Selfridge and the armed service reserves throughout the 10th Congressional District fall under the purview of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  The Committee on Homeland Security provides oversight for the department and handles issues dealing with transportation security, border and port security, critical infrastructure protection, cyber security, and science and technology, emergency preparedness, emerging threats, intelligence and information sharing, investigations, and management and procurement.

In 2007, Representative Miller was appointed to the full House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.  Representative Miller is also a member of the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, as well as the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.  Representative Miller is the only member from Michigan serving on this Committee, and takes seriously the need to advocate on behalf of Michigan to ensure that the state is returned its fair share of tax dollars for many infrastructure needs.  She believes that all avenues of transportation, whether on land or on the sea, are important to improve, maintain, and support surrounding economic growth.

Michigan’s 10th Congressional District is host to the Blue Water Bridge in Port Huron, MI which is the second most traveled border crossing in North America.  It is a vital component of economic expansion, not just for the district, but for the region, state, and nation.  This Committee allows her to offer enhanced oversight and influences to ensure this portal and others like it receive the federal attention they need and deserve.

The Committee also holds jurisdiction over water quality issues. Throughout her career in public service, protecting the Great Lakes has been one of Representative Miller’s principal advocacies.  She is a vocal proponent for policy designed to preserve and protect Michigan’s most cherished natural resource.

The Committee has jurisdiction over all modes of transportation: aviation, maritime and waterborne transportation, highways, bridges, mass transit, and railroads.  The Committee also has jurisdiction over other aspects of our national infrastructure, such as clean water and waste water management, the transport of resources by pipeline, flood damage reduction, the management of federally owned real estate and public buildings, the development of economically depressed rural and urban areas, disaster preparedness and response, and hazardous materials transportation.

The Committee’s broad oversight portfolio includes many federal agencies, including the Department of Transportation, the U.S. Coast Guard, Amtrak, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the General Services Administration, the Army Corps of Engineers, and others.

Serving With

Dan Benishek


Bill Huizenga


Justin Amash


John Moolenaar


Fred Upton


Tim Walberg


Mike Bishop


Dave Trott


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