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Press Releases

  • January 2017
  • Hudson Statement on BOEM Denial of Atlantic Seismic Testing

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08), Co-Chairman of the Atlantic Offshore Energy Caucus and author of legislation to require the administration to make Atlantic lease sales off North Carolina's coast available for offshore exploration and development, issued the following statement after the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) denied six pending geophysical and geological (C&G;) permit applications to conduct seismic surveys in the Mid- and South Atlantic Planning Areas of the Atlantic Ocean.
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  • June 2016
  • Hudson Opposes Obama's Energy Taxes

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement after voting to oppose the Obama Administration's harmful energy taxes.
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  • Hudson Votes For Jobs, Common Sense in Ozone Standards

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement after voting to rein in the administration's strict ozone regulations that would force 20 counties in North Carolina out of attainment, threatening jobs and economic growth.
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  • April 2016
  • Hudson's Bipartisan Jobs Bill Passes Senate

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08), member of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power, released the following statement after a bill he co-authored to improve energy and manufacturing job-training programs passed the Senate with bipartisan support as part of S. 2012, the Energy Policy Modernization Act.
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  • March 2016
  • Hudson Introduces Bill to Unleash Atlantic Offshore Energy, Jobs

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08), Co-Chairman of the Atlantic Offshore Energy Caucus, introduced legislation to require the administration to make Atlantic lease sales off North Carolina's coast available for offshore exploration and development.
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  • Hudson Responds to Administration's Removal of Atlantic Drilling Proposal

    Today, Co-Chairs of the Atlantic Offshore Energy Caucus Rep. Richard Hudson (NC-08), Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC-03), and Rep. Scott Rigell (VA-02) responded to the administration's removal of the planned oil and natural gas lease sale off the southeast Atlantic coast.
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  • February 2016
  • Hudson's Bipartisan Jobs Bill Passes House

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08), member of the Energy and Power Subcommittee, released the following statement after a bill he cosponsored with Energy and Power Subcommittee Ranking Member Bobby Rush (D-IL) to improve energy and manufacturing job-training programs passed the House.
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  • Hudson Continues to Encourage Atlantic Offshore Energy Development

    Today, U.S. Representatives Richard Hudson (NC-08), Scott Rigell (VA-02) and Jeff Duncan (SC-03), co-Chairmen of the Atlantic Offshore Energy Caucus, sent a letter to Department of Interior Secretary Sally Jewell urging the Department to retain the full area included in the Draft Proposed Program (DPP) for Atlantic lease sale 260.
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  • Hudson Applauds Supreme Court Decision to Protect N.C. from Energy Bill Hikes

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08), Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement after the Supreme Court blocked President Barack Obama's rules for new and existing power plants.
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  • December 2015
  • Hudson Votes For Jobs, Affordable Energy

    Today U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) voted for the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act (H.R. 8), a comprehensive energy bill that seeks to maximize America's energy potential to promote job creation, strengthen the economy, and keep energy affordable.
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  • Hudson Votes to Stop Obama's Plan to Raise Energy Prices, Cost Jobs

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08), Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement after voting for two resolutions disapproving of President Obama's job-killing rules for new and existing power plants.
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  • November 2015
  • Hudson Statement on the President's Rejection of Keystone XL

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement reacting to the announcement that President Obama rejected construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
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  • October 2015
  • Hudson Slams Obama's Job-Killing Ozone Regulations

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement in reaction to President Obama's strict ozone regulations that will force 20 counties in North Carolina out of attainment, threatening jobs and economic growth.
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  • August 2015
  • Hudson Rebukes Obama's Plan to Raise N.C. Energy Prices

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) rebuked President Obama's strict energy regulations that could raise energy prices in N.C. by nearly 14%.
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  • July 2015
  • Hudson Supports Coal Ash Reform

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement after voting in support of the Improving Coal Combustion Residuals Regulation Act of 2015 (H.R. 1734).
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  • June 2015
  • Hudson Votes to Protect N.C. from 14% Energy Bill Hikes

    Yesterday, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) voted to help keep electricity prices affordable for families and businesses by halting the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) pending power plant rule.
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  • March 2015
  • Hudson: EPA Threatens Economic Security, Destroys Jobs

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement demanding reform at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
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  • February 2015
  • Hudson Votes to Approve Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement after voting for the Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act (S. 1).
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  • January 2015
  • Hudson Co-Chairs Atlantic Offshore Energy Caucus

    Yesterday, members of three southeastern states united to kick-off the newly formed Atlantic Offshore Energy Caucus. Co-Chairs Rep. Richard Hudson (NC-08), Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC-03), and Rep. Scott Rigell (VA-02) join as leaders of the caucus to advance policies that explore and expand energy production in the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf as part of an all-of-the-above national energy strategy. In a concerted effort to press towards expanding energy development along our coasts, the caucus intends to guide the debate forward, stressing the incredible opportunity southeastern states have to harvest the energy from the Atlantic.
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  • Hudson Statement on Administration's Offshore Drilling Proposal

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08), Co-Chairman of the Atlantic Offshore Energy Caucus, released the following statement in reaction to President Obama's offshore drilling proposal which seeks to open up North Carolina's coast to drilling:
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  • Hudson Votes for Jobs, Energy Security

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement after voting to approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
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  • November 2014
  • Hudson Chosen to Serve on House Energy and Commerce Committee

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement after being selected by his colleagues to serve on the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee for the 114th Congress.
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  • Hudson Votes for Jobs, Energy Independence

    Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement after voting to approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
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  • July 2014
  • Hudson: We Must Cut Spending to Pre-Obama Levels

    Tonight, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement after his amendment to the FY15 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (H.R. 4923) to cut discretionary spending to FY 2008 levels failed to pass the U.S. House of Representatives.
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  • June 2014
  • Hudson: Obama Administration's War on Coal Destroys Jobs

    WASHINGTON, DC - Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement in reaction to the Obama Administration's proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation requiring power plants to cut carbon emissions by thirty percent.
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  • Hudson Continues Fight for Lower Gas Prices, American Energy

    U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement after the House successfully passed H.R. 2231, the Offshore Energy and Jobs Act.
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  • May 2013
  • Hudson votes for jobs, energy, and a "better future for all Americans"

    Today, the House voted to clear out the roadblocks preventing construction of the pipeline. U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement after voting for the Northern Route Approval Act (H.R. 3).
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  • Office Locations

    Office Name Location Image Map URL
    Concord Office
    325 McGill Avenue, NW
    Suite 500
    Concord, NC 28027
    Phone: (704) 786-1612
    Fax: (704) 782-1004
    Hours: M-F 8:30-5:30pm
    Rockingham Office
    1015 Fayetteville Rd
    Rockingham, NC 28379
    Phone: (910) 997-2070
    Hours: M-F 8:30-5:30pm
    Washington DC
    429 Cannon House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    Phone: 202-225-3715
    Hours: M-F 8:30-5:30pm

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    Comments (optional)
    repName Richard Hudson  
    helpWithFedAgencyAddress 325 McGill Avenue, NW
    Suite 500
    Concord, NC 28027
    Phone: (704) 786-1612
    district 8th District of North Carolina  
    academyUSCitizenDate July 1, 2015  
    academyAgeDate July 1, 2015  
    academyApplicationDueDate November 2, 2015  
    repStateABBR NC  
    repDistrict 8  
    repState North Carolina  
    repDistrictText 8th  
    CoSponsoredBills Co-Sponsored Bills  
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