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MWDN: Tsongas - A look ahead at the 114th Congress

Cooperation and compromise will be required in the 114th Congress, which began this week, in order to address the issues that have remained untouched for too long.

National challenges like growing jobs, modernizing the tax code to better serve the middle class, and enacting comprehensive immigration reform – all of which are key to the country’s prosperity – will have to be met with bipartisan action in order to continue moving America in the right direction.

Congress must focus on America’s middle class families. Addressing issues such as affordable education and childcare, equal pay for equal work, raising the minimum wage, providing earned sick leave and more will help women and families succeed. The 114th Congress includes 101 women legislators, a record number, and as history has shown, when more women are involved in the process of change, more of the issues that affect women and families as a whole are addressed.

We can boost our economy and jobs by supporting a “Make it in America” agenda, focused on creating the best conditions for American businesses to manufacture, innovate, and create jobs in the U.S. Last April, after sustained bipartisan push from me and fellow colleagues, the Department of Defense changed a policy to ensure military recruits were wearing American-made athletic footwear. The change will have a direct impact on the American footwear industry, meaning jobs on U.S. soil.

An economic agenda that focuses on manufacturing is particularly noteworthy here in our region of Massachusetts. The Third District has a long tradition of industry, service and innovation – they are the cornerstones of our history and a foundation for our future. Support for our skilled, diverse workforce and cutting edge companies will have incredible job creating potential in myriad industries, from clean energy to medical advancements. Our region stands poised to lead a modern-day industrial revolution.

This innovation will be critical if we are to tackle global challenges like climate change, which is a very real crisis that requires American leadership and a sustained commitment from Washington. The renewable technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency exist and widespread desire to go green has been demonstrated. As a member of the Natural Resources Committee, I have made protecting our environment and promoting energy independence a priority and will continue to urge my colleagues in the 114th Congress to do the same. We need to support tax credits for businesses developing more energy efficient appliances and their consumers, and put needed federal resources into job training and job creation in the clean energy sector. The cost of inaction on this critical generational challenge is simply unacceptable.

Another issue that needs Congressional action is immigration reform. President Obama announced executive actions on the subject in November; they are temporary in nature and made necessary because Congress has failed to provide a path forward. I, along with the majority of American people, would like to have seen these particular measures debated by Congress and addressed in comprehensive immigration reform legislation. It has now been more than 500 days since the Senate passed comprehensive immigration reform that was supported by Republicans and Democrats, but was never brought to a vote in the House.

There is still much that needs to be done to improve the quality of the lives of the people I represent and the lives of people around the country. It will require cooperation and determined action out of the 114th Congress – not the partisan theatrics and gridlock of recent years. I believe we can find common ground and from it construct fair, sustainable, and commonsense solutions.


Rep. Niki Tsongas, D-Lowell, represents the 3rd Mass. District.