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USAToday: Rep. Tsongas - Military action is not the solution

In recent weeks, President Obama has outlined the serious threat posed by the lethal terrorist group ISIL. But many of my colleagues, from both parties, agree that committing our military to confront this threat requires congressional oversight and authorization.

In July, the House passed a bipartisan resolution stating that the president needs to seek broader approval before proceeding with military action in Iraq. However, Congress has only considered a modest part of what the administration has acknowledged will be a multiyear effort to confront ISIL.

I remain deeply concerned about the administration's actions, as they have the potential to lead to an expanded and open-ended commitment, which by President Obama's own admission will spill into future administrations.

Republicans and Democrats alike have raised serious questions about the administration's strategy regarding the cost, the commitment of American servicemembers, the timetable, the nature of the support we have from regional partners who must take more direct responsibility, the exit strategy and how we will define success.

We should not be making near-term decisions with long-term consequences without robustly debating these questions and fully considering the substantial and unpredictable risks of these actions.

For example, comments made by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff suggest that he could envision a future scenario in which he would recommend ground troops, raising serious concerns over the slippery slope on which we may find ourselves, crystallizing the alarming uncertainties surrounding this effort.

Ultimately, U.S. military action is not the solution; all the military might in the world will not eliminate this threat. The regional players must take the lead in re-establishing the security and stability of their region, and if they aren't willing to put forth the effort, we have to ask ourselves if we should be fighting that fight for them.

Answering that question requires a robust national discussion, and Congress must have an opportunity to fully discuss and debate the administration's overarching strategy.

Rep. Niki Tsongas, D-Mass., is the ranking member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee for Oversight and Investigations.