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‘I Think It Was Russia,’ Trump Says of D.N.C. Hacking

  • President-elect Donald J. Trump conceded for the first time that Russia had carried out cyberattacks during the presidential election.
  • But Mr. Trump sidestepped repeated questions about whether he or anyone in his team had contact with Russia during the campaign.

Confirmation Highlights

Rubio Aggressively Questions Tillerson on Russia

“Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?” Marco Rubio asked Rex Tillerson. The secretary of state nominee said no.

Video by THE NEW YORK TIMES. Photo by Damon Winter/The New York Times

President-elect Donald J. Trump on Wednesday in New York held a news conference for the first time in six months.

Holder to Lead Attack on G.O.P. Gerrymandering

Backed by President Obama, Eric Holder will lead the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, a group aimed at breaking the Republican Party’s grip on the congressional map.

Meridith Kohut for The New York Times. Technology by Samsung.

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Video by THE NEW YORK TIMES. Photo by Doug Mills/The New York Times


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