Nearly every acceptance speech spoke out against President Trump's executive order that bans people from seven countries.

Harvey, who accidentally crowned the wrong winner last time, referenced h is mistake during Sunday's pageant — over and over and over.

Ryder's facial expressions during David Harbour's speech immediately set the Internet ablaze, as the meme-makers got to work.

Iranian director Asghar Farhadi's "The Salesman" is nominated for best foreign film.

The late British actor's career was marked by more than 40 memorable death scenes.

The election-themed Season 6 premiere is a promising start for die-hard fans. But it's too early to call whether we still need Olivia Pope.

"Nobody Speak,” about Hogan's lawsuit against Gawker, looks at looming threats against the first amendment.

Moore's iconic Mary Richards was a single, independent career woman at a time when women on television were typically housewives.

There may not have been a "30 Rock,” or a “Girls” or a “Parks and Recreation” or a “Murphy Brown.”

Celebrities, entertainers and prominent personalities react to news of her passing at the age of 80.

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