Telephone Town Hall Sign Up

Telephone Town Hall Meetings are another way Congressman Goodlatte stays in touch with Sixth District constituents and communicates about issues currently before Congress. These events, held numerous times each year, allow thousands of Sixth District constituents to participate in a conference call forum and ask questions of Congressman Goodlatte in a live setting.  

If you would like to participate in future Telephone Town Hall Meetings, please complete the registration form below. While many households already receive these calls, this is an opportunity for others who do not receive these calls to join the conversation. Please note that only Sixth District residents may register for telephone meetings. 

*Indicates information that you need to provide.

Contact Information
Prefix *
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address: *
Street Address Continued:
City: *
Zip: *
Email: *
Phone Number: *

***By clicking "Sign Up," you are agreeing to receive telephone meeting calls from Congressman Goodlatte to the phone number provided as well as email updates on issues before Congress and Sixth District events. Please note that due to federal law, only telephone meeting registrations from resident of Virginia's Sixth Congressional District may be accepted.