
Hunter: The Jones Act improves security and is worth protecting

Aug 24, 2018

The CATO Institute recently opined in these pages about why I should stop supporting the Jones Act. While I appreciate their attempt to debate this important issue, their arguments are misleading and far from compelling. The Jones Act is a federal...

Helping military families, because it’s right

Jul 23, 2018

Becoming a member of our military comes with significant responsibilities and, sometimes, the ultimate sacrifice. For this reason, there are safeguards in place to take care of loved ones should the unthinkable become a reality. Military families ...

Hunter: Driving American trucking job opportunities forward

Mar 26, 2018 Issues: Economic Recovery and Job Creation

Everyone who works hard should have the opportunity to succeed; this is one of the founding promises of our nation. Unfortunately, we see many young Americans faced with the choice of either taking on tens of thousands of dollars in college debt or...

Hunter: President’s Visit to the Border Sends an Important Message

Mar 13, 2018 Issues: Immigration, National Security

President Trump visiting San Diego and seeing firsthand the wall prototypes is vital towards building a border wall.  For any effective chief executive, it is important to view for yourself what is working, which helps prioritize the problems you...

Hunter: Broadcom’s Takeover of Qualcomm Is Disaster for National Security and for San Diego

Mar 5, 2018 Issues: National Security

Qualcomm’s acquisition by Broadcom Ltd. at any price would damage American security and endanger the creative team of San Diegans who have made this company a technology jewel for the U.S. During WWII, it would have been unthinkable to allow foreign...

Hunter: Doing Right by Those on Veterans Day

Nov 13, 2017 Issues: Veterans

Veterans Day is an opportunity to recognize and remember the sacrifices our military men and women and their families have made in the service of our country. As a Marine Corps veteran, I believe it is also important to recognize the many challenges...

Hunter: More jobs. Fairer taxes. Bigger paychecks.

Nov 9, 2017 Issues: Tax Reform

Visiting with the Ramona Chamber of Commerce at their recent mixer, hosted by Ramona Disposal, reinforced to me the importance of the tax reform plan we are working on in Congress.  House Republicans rolled out our framework for fixing the broken...

Hunter: No More Timeline, the Existential Threat Has Arrived

Sep 28, 2017 Issues: National Security

Let’s be clear.  North Korea continues to threaten the United States with a nuclear assault.  North Korea has the capability to launch a nuclear attack and San Diego would be a primary target.  No more pontificating, no more hypothesizing, no more...

Hunter: Let President Trump try to work with Russia

May 17, 2017 Issues: National Security

President Trump is under assault for his posture toward Russia and Vladimir Putin. This is true even as American presidents are fully within their prerogative to establish working relationships with world leaders, and President Trump most certainly...

Hunter: Protecting our southern border with U.S. mariners

Apr 25, 2017 Issues: Economy, National Security

As chairman of the Coast Guard and Maritime Subcommittee in the House of Representatives, I am proud to be an unwavering defender of the Jones Act — a critical U.S. national security law that requires vessels moving from one U.S. port to another...
