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Congressman Doug Lamborn
Republican Congressman from Colorado's 5th Congressional District
Republican Congressman from Colorado's 5th Congressional District


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Congressman Lamborn delivered pocket-sized Constitutions to Ms. Haffley's U.S. Government class. The kids were eager to ask the Congressman questions and receive their personal copy of the Constitution.

Watch his remarks on the important of studying the Constitution here:
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House Armed Services Committee Chair Mac Thornberry (TX-13) praised Representative Doug Lamborn’s (CO-05) vote on the Bipartisan Budget Act:

“I commend Doug for his unwavering commitment to our military and their families. He believes protecting our country is a top priority and works to ensure those in uniform get what they need to do their job,” said Chairman Thornberry. “He has built strong relationships on the House Armed Services Committee and is a respected voice in Congress for Colorado’s Fifth District. During a time of increased global security threats, Rep. Lamborn’s priority is our men and women in uniform. He is a senior member on HASC, and actively works to keep our nation safe. I applaud him for voting to fund our defense budget, providing invaluable resources needed to defend our country.”

Rep. Lamborn’s Fifth Congressional District is home to more than 38,000 active duty military, 16,000 DoD civilians, and thousands of Reservists and Guardsmen – the largest military community in the nation.

Representative Lamborn said, “Our uniformed men and women should not have to worry about whether they will get paid or not as they continue to selflessly put their lives on the line for our country. That’s not to mention the critical role the defense industry Colorado’s Fifth District plays in our national security, including direct support to many critical local missions.”

One top example is full funding for the National Space Defense Center, a vice and vital national security effort at Schriever Air Force Base to defend the nation from increasing threats in space. Just last week, the Deputy Secretary of Defense visited the NSDC, a mission supported by the highest levels of the Pentagon. However, since the mission is still relatively new, its funding is considered a ‘new start’, without a path to receive full funding.

“While I would have crafted the budget deal differently, there were many significant victories worthy of my support. I was proud to support President Trump in his promise to rebuild America’s military. It ensures that for the first time in two-years our military will receive the resources they need, something everyone should support,” said Lamborn. “This deal begins to reverse the years of funding cuts that has left our troops undertrained and underequipped. It should also end the destructive cycle of spending gaps and stopgap bills that hinder military readiness."

Secretary of Defense James Mattis himself said, ‘No enemy in the field has done more to harm the readiness of the U.S. military than the combined impact of the Budget Control Act’s defense spending caps, worsened by operating in 10 of the last 11 years under continuing resolution of varied and unpredictable duration.’

With other nations flexing their military might, it's more important than ever to properly equip our troops.

“The bill will also provide an additional $4 billion to improve the care of our more than 100,000 veterans by reducing the backlog of more than 400,000 claims at Department of Veterans Affairs health centers. Our veterans deserve to receive their healthcare in a timely manner. Additional funding for completing the backlog of claims at Department of Veterans Affairs health centers is one step towards improving the system,” said Lamborn.

Another significant victory in the budget deal is the further dismantling of Obamacare by repealing the Independent Payment Advisory Board. These “death panels,” as they accurately came to be known, would have been devastating for patients, affecting their access to quality care and innovative therapies. I’m pleased this portion of Obamacare will finally be repealed.

It also includes $6 billion over two years to fight the opioid crisis and substance abuse efforts through funding grants, prevention programs, and law enforcement efforts.
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Representative Doug Lamborn (CO-05) released the following statement on the President's Fiscal Year 2019 Budget and Infrastructure Principles:

"Not only must we rebuild our nation's existing infrastructure, but we must develop innovative projects to make it the best it can be. Communities across the country will benefit from safer, more reliable roads, highways, and bridges. These aren't the only impacts on our daily lives, though. Our broken permit system is one example. Streamlining it to, ideally, no more than two years but maintaining a high quality of work will reduce costs and unleash private investments.

My work on the Natural Resources Committee leads me to believe we must steward our environmental treasures well. This week I will chair a Subcommittee on Water, Power, and Oceans hearing on fostering a water and power “renaissance” to improve our aging infrastructure. We can, once again, became as great a nation as ever before.

I’m writing and reviewing legislation to promote all these initiatives, and I’ll continue to discuss strategies with the White House. These programs are too important to delay. The goal here is to deliver on long-term reform that will help future generations.

The President's priorities in his outlined budget promote a healthy American economy and curb wasteful Washington spending. He has called for an increased investment into our national defense strategy. I've always said rebuilding the military is important not only for the safety of our nation, but also for the men and women in uniform protecting us. Thousands of service members in my own district will get their highest pay raise in eight years. They need resources to do their jobs well and this administration takes that seriously. The budget also addresses other issues we must address as a nation: battling the opioid epidemic, strengthening border security, reforming Medicare, eliminating funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and funding infrastructure improvements. I will work with my colleagues to ensure we provide sensible legislation for these issues."

Rep. Lamborn's legislation, H.R. 726 and H.R. 727, cuts superfluous spending on programs such as NPR and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
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On Feb. 6, the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands held a legislative hearing on Representative Doug Lamborn's legislation to expand a national monument in Colorado.

H.R. 835 expands the boundaries of the Florissant Fossil Beds in Colorado by roughly 280 acres.

The National Park Service received a proposed donation of private land to expand the monument in May 2016. The monument size is currently capped at 6,000 acres by an original designation from Congress in 1969. Due to the current size of the monument at 5,992 acres, legislative action is needed to expand the boundaries.

"My legislation seeks to only increase the monument size to allow the NPS the ability to accept this critical donation," Rep. Lamborn stated. "The donated acreage could provide visitors with more recreational opportunities including hiking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing and wildlife watching - all with no supplemental funding or staff needed."

Commissioner of Teller County, Colorado Norm Steen testified that the expansion of the monument will provide critical access for "wildland fire protection and opportunities for completing hazardous fuel mitigation projects, provide a natural buffer from surrounding developed areas, as well as provide additional wildlife habitat to the Monument."

"The entire process which brought us to our hearing today was collaborative, transparent, and was done in the interest of what best serves the residents of our County, and the tens of thousands of guests who travel to Teller County each year to visit the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument," Steen added.
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I’m stunned at previous administration’s underhanded surveillance methods and misuse of power at the highest levels of the FBI and Department of Justice.
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