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Congressman Brad Schneider

Representing the 10th District of Illinois

Schneider Provision to Help Communities with Stranded Nuclear Waste Passes House and Senate

September 14, 2018
Press Release
Language to help communities like Zion, IL now awaits President Trump’s signature

This week, legislative language first introduced by Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL) to help communities with stranded nuclear waste passed both the House and Senate, and now awaits President Trump’s signature to become law.

The measure requires a report by the Department of Energy on existing public and private resources and funding available for municipalities where a nuclear power plant is decommissioned, in the process of decommissioning, or plans to shut down within 3 years.

“Communities like Zion have been saddled with storing our nation’s stranded nuclear waste while the federal government has failed to meet its legal obligation to find a permanent repository,” said Schneider. “They deserve compensation, and this new report is a step toward connecting these communities with critically needed federal assistance. I urge President Trump to sign this legislation into law, and I will continue to work to build on this progress by advancing the STRANDED Act to finally compensate communities like Zion what they deserve.”

“I greatly appreciate the leadership of my colleagues Nita Lowey and Marcy Kaptur championing this cause on the Appropriations Committee, and ensuring this language to help communities with stranded nuclear waste was included,” continued Schneider.

The measure was included in the conference report for H.R. 5895, the Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act of 2019.

In May 2018, Schneider introduced a similar amendment requiring the Secretary of Energy to assemble a task force to work across all federal agencies to identify existing resources and funding opportunities that could assist communities with decommissioned plants where nuclear waste is being stored, which was included in H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2018 and also passed the House.

In October 2017, Schneider introduced H.R. 3970 Sensible, Timely Relief for America’s Nuclear Districts’ Economic Development (STRANDED) Act with Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL). In addition to a task force, the bill would compensate communities storing waste through economic impact grants and would establish tax credits to encourage development and homeownership in affected communities.