Congressman Steve King

Representing the 4th District of Iowa


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Upholding the Constitution

I am committed to strictly interpreting the Constitution in light of its original meaning and the common understanding of the intentions of our Founding Fathers who wrote and ratified this founding document. Our Constitution is timeless and is just as legitimate today as when it was first written. The principles the Constitution embodies and the system of government it establishes has allowed our exceptional nation to flourish. When I was sworn into Congress, I took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution and I carry a copy of the Constitution with me in my pocket as constant reminder to uphold its principles.

I believe that our great Founding Fathers implicitly understood the threat posed to individual liberties by a large and intrusive federal government. One of the ways the Founding Fathers sought to limit the power of the federal government was by reserving powers to the individual states, and to the people themselves. I am a firm believer in states' rights, which is why I am a proud member of the Tenth Amendment Caucus, which focuses on restoring the critical balance between the powers of the states and those of the federal government.

More on Upholding the Constitution

Aug 23, 2018 Press Release

Phyllis Schlafly’s “Favorite Congressman” honored for advancing “pro-life, pro-family, America First values” in Congress

Jul 12, 2018 Press Release

Tells Strzok: “It’s not possible, under oath, to tell the American people that there’s not bias. The evidence of bias is replete in the evidence that we have.”

Jun 28, 2018 Press Release

King votes for House Resolution demanding DOJ Comply with Congressional subpoenas by July 6th


Jun 19, 2018 Press Release

IG Report Reveals FBI Investigators Were Aware of Obama’s Public Statements

Jun 14, 2018 Press Release

IG Report on FBI’s Clinton E-Mail Investigation Provides Opportunity to Clean-Up DOJ

Jun 13, 2018 Press Release

Steve Bannon Delivers Immigration Warning at Conservative Opportunity Society Event

Jun 8, 2018 Press Release

Outrage: 66% of DACA Recipients who admitted to crimes got DACA permits anyway

Washington, D.C.- As the political world buzzes over the sad possibility that rogue Republicans could join with a united Democratic caucus to deliver Amnesty to illegal aliens, Congressman Steve King, an opponent of Amnesty, asks a question that is often intentionally obscured by Amnesty/DACA supporters:

“Who are DACA recipients?”

Jun 7, 2018 Press Release

Mr. Sessions is quietly and unassumingly building one of the most successful records of conservative accomplishment ever seen at the DOJ.”

May 24, 2018 Press Release

Washington, D.C.- In case you missed it, Congressman Steve King appeared as a guest on CNN’s  "Wolf " in which he discussed important stories in today’s headlines with the show’s host, Wolf Blitzer. During his appearance, Congressman King discussed the announcement of the cancellation of President Trump’s intended summit meeting with North Korea’s rogue dictator, Kim Jong Un.

May 2, 2018 Press Release

Congressman commends IA General Assembly for Heartbeat Bill vote that paves way for challenge to Roe v Wade.

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