Congressman Steve King

Representing the 4th District of Iowa


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Iowa Delegation Supports Reynolds Appeal for FEMA Assistance for Four Iowa Counties

Sep 12, 2018
Press Release

4th District’s Dickinson and Winnebago counties included in FEMA individual assistance appeal


Washington, D.C.- The entire Iowa delegation, including Reps. Steve King, Rod Blum, David Young and Dave Loebsack and Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst, wrote to President Donald Trump in support of Governor Kim Reynolds’ appeal of the Administration’s decision denying Individual Assistance under FEMA for Buchanan, Dickinson, Polk and Winnebago counties.

It is our understanding that since the August 1, 2018, submission of the request for a Presidential Disaster Declaration, an error was discovered in the assessment of apartment buildings in the City of Des Moines in Polk County.  Therefore, the numbers were underreported from the Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment tool and were underreported to FEMA in its calculations,” the delegation wrote. “Thousands of Iowa residents were displaced because of the severe weather throughout the month of June and into early July and federal Individual Assistance is greatly needed.  We ask that this appeal receive all due consideration.”

On August 1, the Iowa delegation urged Trump to grant Reynolds’ request for federal disaster assistance for 30 Iowa counties. On August 20, that request was approved. The delegation also requested assistance through the FEMA Individual Assistance Program, the Small Business Administration Disaster Loan Program, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture assistance programs for the four counties of Buchanan, Dickinson, Polk and Winnebago. On August 22, FEMA denied the request for Individual Assistance. On September 11, Reynolds wrote to the Administration to appeal the decision.

A copy of the delegation’s letter in support of Reynolds’ appeal is reprinted below, and may be seen here.

September 11, 2018

The Honorable Donald J. Trump

President of the United States of America

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20500


Dear Mr. President:

We strongly support the request of the Governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds, to appeal the decision of August 21, 2018, denying Individual Assistance under FEMA-4386-DR for Buchanan, Dickinson, Polk, and Winnebago counties.  It is our understanding that since the August 1, 2018, submission of the request for a Presidential Disaster Declaration, an error was discovered in the assessment of apartment buildings in the City of Des Moines in Polk County.  Therefore, the numbers were underreported from the Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment tool and were underreported to FEMA in its calculations. Thousands of Iowa residents were displaced because of the severe weather throughout the month of June and into early July and federal Individual Assistance is greatly needed.  We ask that this appeal receive all due consideration. 

Thank you for your time and prompt consideration of this appeal. 



Representative Steve King

Representative Rod Blum

Representative David Young

Representative Dave Loebsack                      

Senator Charles E. Grassley

Senator Joni K. Ernst



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