Congressman Steve King

Representing the 4th District of Iowa


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King Earns “2018 Fueling Growth Award” for Ethanol Work

Sep 18, 2018
Press Release

Honor recognizes King’s “valuable service supporting American Ethanol.”

Washington, D.C.- Congressman Steve King, a member of the House Agriculture Committee,  releases this statement and photo following his receipt of the “2018 Fueling Growth Award.” The award was presented to King by representatives of Growth Energy, the nation’s leading advocate for ethanol. King was chosen for this honor “in recognition of [his] valuable service supporting American Ethanol.”

Congressman Steve King (center) is presented with the 2018 ‘Fueling Growth’ Award

“I am pleased to receive the ‘Fueling Growth’ award for my work on behalf of ethanol,” said King. “There is a direct correlation between increased production and use of American ethanol and decreased importation of petroleum from foreign nations, some of whom are hostile to us. I support American energy independence, and I understand how ethanol and a strong RFS work together to enhance not only Iowa’s economy, but also our national security.”

The “Fueling Growth” award is reserved for Members of Congress who have demonstrated their unwavering support for the biofuels industry and who have aggressively advocated for ethanol in 2018.


King has testified before the House Subcommittee on Energy and Power on the importance of ethanol and of the need to reaffirm the nation’s support for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). King’s testimony may be read at this link: “The RFS has been great for Iowa and great for America.


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