/  Senate amendment to H.R. 1625—TARGET Act [Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018]

Senate amendment to H.R. 1625 - TARGET Act [Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018]

Bill Text

  • Text of Senate amendment to H.R. 1625 PDF XML

    TARGET Act [Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018]
            ::  House Amendment to Senate Amendment to H.R. 1625 (Rules Committee Print 115-66—Showing the text of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018)    PDF  XML
            ::  Explanatory Statement
                 —Introduction  PDF
                 —Division A  PDF
                 —Division B  PDF
                 —Division C  PDF
                 —Division D  PDF
                 —Division E  PDF
                 —Division F  PDF
                 —Division G  PDF
                 —Division H  PDF
                 —Division I  PDF
                 —Division J  PDF
                 —Division K  PDF
                 —Division L  PDF
                 —Division S  PDF

    Summary of Legislative FY18 Omnibus Additions    PDF
            ::  As provided to the Committee 

Rule Information

REPORTED BY RECORD VOTE of 8-3 on Thursday, March 22, 2018.

Agreed to by record vote of 211-207, after agreeing to the previous questions by record vote of 233-186 on Thursday, March 22, 2018.


MANAGERS: Sessions/McGovern

1. Provides for the consideration of the Senate amendment to H.R. 1625.

2. Makes in order a motion offered by the chair of the Committee on Appropriations or his designee that the House concur in the Senate amendment with an amendment consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 115-66.

3. Waives all points of order against consideration of the motion.

4. Provides that the Senate amendment and the motion shall be considered as read.

5. Provides one hour of debate on the motion equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations.

6. Section 2 provides that on any legislative day during the period from March 23, 2018, through April 9, 2018: the Journal of the proceedings of the previous day shall be considered as approved; and the Chair may at any time declare the House adjourned to meet at a date and time to be announced by the Chair in declaring the adjournment.

7. Section 3 provides that the Speaker may appoint Members to perform the duties of the Chair for the duration of the period addressed by section 2.

8. Section 4 provides that each day during the period addressed by section 2 shall not constitute a calendar day for the purposes of section 7 of the War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1546).

9. Section 5 provides that each day during the period addressed by section 2 shall not constitute a legislative day for purposes of clause 7 of rule XIII (resolutions of inquiry).

10. Section 6 provides that the chair of the Committee on Appropriations may insert in the Congressional Record not later than March 22, 2018, such material as he may deem explanatory of the Senate amendment and the motion specified in section 1.

Amendments (click headers to sort)

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
5Version 1Biggs (AZ)RepublicanReduces the salary of Robert Mueller to Zero.Submitted
6Version 1Biggs (AZ), Rokita (IN), Weber (TX)RepublicanProhibits sanctuary cities from receiving federal funding.Submitted
1Version 1Culberson (TX)RepublicanProhibits FEMA from denying continued rental assistance to otherwise eligible applicants on the sole basis of household income. Submitted
2Version 1Culberson (TX)RepublicanRequires the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to grant a waiver of the 70 percent low and moderate-income requirement for CDBG-DR funds provided for 2017 major disasters if requested by a grantee. The waiver could not reduce the percentage of funds for low and moderate-income below 50 percent unless the Secretary specifically found a compelling need for further reduction. Submitted
4Version 1Garrett (VA), Mooney (WV)RepublicanProhibits funds authorized or appropriated for the one year period beginning on the date of the enactment of this act by Federal law to be made available for any purpose to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., or any affiliate clinic, unless such clinics certify they will not perform or provide funds to any other entity to perform an abortion during such period. Submitted
17Version 1Gohmert (TX)RepublicanRequires a statistical analysis of firearm sale denials resulting from the NICS background check system.This study would include the the age, race, gender, and national origin of, or any other identifying information provided about person were denied firearms ownership. Submitted
18Version 1Gohmert (TX)RepublicanRequires that the Attorney General ensure that Background checks use all descriptors, including the including a person’s exact name, on the Firearm Transfer Record (ATF Form 4473) with respect to any firearm transaction. Submitted
19Version 1Gohmert (TX)RepublicanRequires a statistical analysis containing the number of background checks completed, the number of determinations made by the system that a potential firearm transferee was ineligible to receive a firearm, and the reason for each such determination.Submitted
10Version 1King, Steve (IA)RepublicanDefunds ObamaCare. Submitted
11Version 1King, Steve (IA)RepublicanBlocks any expansion of the H-2B Visa Program. Submitted
12Version 1King, Steve (IA)RepublicanEnsures that funds are not used in contravention of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 to support sanctuary cities.Submitted
13Version 1King, Steve (IA)RepublicanProvides funds for the border wall so that substantive construction of the promised wall can begin in earnest. Submitted
14Version 1King, Steve (IA)RepublicanDefunds DACA. Submitted
15Version 1King, Steve (IA)RepublicanDefunds Planned Parenthood. Submitted
3Version 1Massie (KY), Jordan (OH)RepublicanStrikes Title VI, "Fix NICS,".Submitted
16Version 1Newhouse (WA)RepublicanProhibits funds from being used to operate the Federal Columbia River Power System hydroelectric dams in a manner inconsistent with the Army Corps of Engineers’ intended operations plan.Submitted
7Version 1Polis (CO)DemocratProhibits the federal government from spending DOJ funds to interfere with state marijuana laws. Submitted
8Version 1Polis (CO)DemocratReduces defense spending by one percent, excluding health and personnel accounts. Submitted
9Version 1Polis (CO)DemocratInserts the text of H.R. 3440.Submitted