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Conference Committee Approves Department of Defense, Labor Health and Human Services Appropriations Package, Continuing Resolution Introduced

September 13, 2018 - The House Appropriations Committee today filed a two-bill Appropriations “minibus” funding bill, which has been approved by a joint House and Senate Conference Committee. This Conference Report includes the Department of Defense, and the Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations bills for fiscal year 2019. More

House Approves Energy and Water, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Legislative Branch Appropriations

September 13, 2018 - The U.S. House today approved a three-bill Appropriations “minibus” funding bill, moving this critical legislation one step closer to enactment well before the end of the fiscal year on September 30. The package of bills, the final product of negotiations between the House and the Senate, includes funding for the Energy and Water, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Legislative Branch Appropriations bills for fiscal year 2019. The legislation will now be sent to the White House for approval. More

Chairman Frelinghuysen Floor Statement on H.R. 5895 Conference Report

September 13, 2018 - House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen today spoke on the House floor in support of the House-Senate Conference Report for H.R. 5895. This is the first "minibus" package of Appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2019, which includes the Energy and Water, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Legislative Branch Appropriations bills. More

Chairman Frelinghuysen Statement at House-Senate Conference Committee Meeting on H.R. 6147

September 13, 2018 - House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen gave the following statement before the House-Senate Conference Committee meeting on H.R. 6147, the third FY 2019 "minibus" Appropriations package, which includes the Interior, Financial Services, Agriculture, and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development funding bills. More

Frelinghuysen Statement at Conference Committee Meeting on FY 2019 Defense and Labor-Health and Human Services-Education Appropriations Package

September 13, 2018 - House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen gave the following statement before the House-Senate Conference Committee meeting on H.R. 6157, the second FY 2019 "minibus" Appropriations package, which includes the Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bills. More

Conference Committees for Second and Third Appropriations Minibuses Announced

September 11, 2018 - The Conference Committee on H.R. 6157 and the Conference Committee on H.R. 6147 will meet this Thursday, September 13. More

Conference Committee Approves First Appropriations Three-Bill Package

September 10, 2018 - The House Appropriations Committee today filed a three-bill Appropriations “minibus” funding bill, which will head to the House floor for consideration this week. The joint House and Senate Conference Committee on the package have approved the legislation. The package of bills includes funding for the Energy and Water, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Legislative Branch Appropriations bills for fiscal year 2019. More

Conferees Named for Third Package of Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriations Bills

September 6, 2018 - The U.S. House of Representatives today announced the Members of Congress that will participate in the Conference Committee to finalize the Fiscal Year 2019 Interior and Environment, Financial Services, Agriculture, and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bills. More

Frelinghuysen Statement at Conference Committee Meeting on FY 2019 Military Construction-Veterans Affairs, Energy and Water, and Legislative Branch Appropriations Package

September 5, 2018 - House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen gave the following statement before the House-Senate Conference Committee Meeting for the first FY 2019 "minibus" Appropriations package, which includes the Military Construction-Veterans Affairs, Energy and Water, and Legislative Branch Appropriations bills. More

Conferees Named for Second Set of Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriations Bills

September 4, 2018 - The U.S. House of Representatives today announced the Members of Congress that will participate in the Conference Committee to finalize the Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bills for fiscal year 2019. More

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