Off Air Next: Hearing entitled “HUD Office of Inspector General Report: HUD’s Oversight of the Alexander County (IL) Housing Authority”

Hensarling Statement Regarding SEC Staff Proxy Advisory Letter Withdrawals

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) released the following statement on today’s action by the SEC’s Division of Investment Management to withdraw the 2004 letters issued by staff to Egan-Jones Proxy Services and Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. This action comes ahead of the SEC’s Roundtable on the U.S. proxy process to enhance our capital markets and make them more attractive to companies to go public. “The proxy advisory firm duopoly is in serious need of ...

Committee Advances 12 Bills

Today, the Financial Services Committee approved 12 important pieces of legislation to improve the lives of Americans and protect our financial institutions. “Today, we met to consider a dozen pieces of legislation to improve the lives of every day Americans. From ensuring our veterans are able to access mortgages to buy a home, to protecting our financial system from traffickers and terrorists, to tailoring overly-broad rules that hinder growth and frustrate the delivery of financial products a...

House Passes 2 Financial Services Bills

The House of Representatives passed two bills from the Financial Services Committee this week. “I’m pleased to see these important measures pass the House today to bring greater accountability and transparency to the Federal Reserve and to move the Committee’s efforts to thwart terrorism forward by ensuring appropriate processes are in place to protect our financial networks from unwarranted use by illicit, terrorist groups,” said Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX). “I a...

Examining Terrorist Groups and Their Means of Financing Illicit Activity

The Subcommittee on Terrorism and Illicit Finance met today to examine the various methods used by major terror groups to generate and move funds to support their activities and organizations. As the threat of terrorism continually evolves, it is increasingly important to monitor terrorist threats and methods of terror financing. “Terrorist organizations cannot function without financial resources to organize and carry out their violent actions. Today, I was pleased to hear from experts on the c...