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  • Chairman Chabot Applauds NLRB’s Decision to Restore Joint Employer Standard
    Posted in Press Releases on September 14, 2018 | Preview rr
    Tags: Oversight and Regulatory Reform, Workplace Issues

    WASHINGTON – This week, House Committee on Small Business Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH) released the following statement after the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) published its proposed rule on the joint-employer standard: “The NLRB’s decision to restore the joint-employer standard is welcome news for small businesses everywhere. Job creators and innovators deserve certainty that they can continue to operate their businesses locally and independently. The Obama-era scheme jeopardizes small ... Read more

  • SBC Discusses How the Opioid Epidemic Affects Small Businesses
    Posted in Press Releases on September 13, 2018 | Preview rr
    Tags: Workplace Issues

    WASHINGTON – Today, the House Committee on Small Business held a hearing to explore the effects of the opioid crisis on small businesses. Specifically, Members examined the decline in the labor force participation rate due to the epidemic and the challenges that small businesses experience in finding qualified workers as a result. “The American economy is soaring. Significant growth is occurring as we speak and Americans, especially entrepreneurs, are once again optimistic about the future of th... Read more

  • Small Business Committee Requests Status Update on FAR Subcontracting Rule
    Posted in Press Releases on September 13, 2018 | Preview rr
    Tags: Contracting

    WASHINGTON – Today, House Committee on Small Business Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH) and Ranking Member Nydia Velázquez (D-NY), along with Members of the Committee on Armed Services Mo Brooks (R-AL), Trent Kelly (R-MS), Steve Knight (R-CA), William Shuster (R-PA), Scott DesJarlais (R-TN), Walter Jones (R-NC), Bradley Byrne (R-AL), and Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), sent a letter to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Council Chair, Ms. Lesley A. Fields, Acting Administrator of the Office of Federal... Read more

  • Small Business Committee Calls for Transparency from Federal Agencies
    Posted in Press Releases on September 12, 2018 | Preview rr
    Tags: Oversight and Regulatory Reform

    WASHINGTON – Last week, Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH) and Ranking Member Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) sent follow-up letters to the heads of three federal agencies requesting further information on small entity compliance guide reporting as required by Section 212 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA). “Small businesses deserve transparency from the federal government and for their voices to be heard in the federal rulemaking process. It is imperative that all federal agenc... Read more

  • Small Business Optimism Hits 45-Year High
    Posted in Press Releases on September 11, 2018 | Preview rr
    Tags: Tax Reform

    WASHINGTON – Today, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) released its Small Business Optimism Index from August, which marks a new record high in the survey’s 45-year history. “With small business optimism at the highest its been in 45 years, it’s clear that Americans are prospering, and small businesses are thriving. These historic gains are proof that the new tax law and a reduction in regulations are significantly driving our economic gains. I look forward to seeing continue... Read more

  • Chairman Chabot: Our Economy is Full Speed Ahead
    Posted in Press Releases on September 7, 2018 | Preview rr
    Tags: Tax Reform

    WASHINGTON – Today, House Small Business Committee Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH) released the following statement after the United States Department of Labor reported that 201,000 jobs were created in August, with wages up 2.9 percent for the year, the largest increase since June 2009. “Our economy is going full speed ahead, as evidenced by today’s jobs report released by the Department of Labor. With the unemployment rate remaining near historic lows of 3.9 percent and 201,000 jobs added in Augu... Read more

  • Chairman Chabot Praises Economic Growth and its Positive Effect on Small Businesses
    Posted in Press Releases on September 6, 2018 | Preview rr
    Tags: Tax Reform

    WASHINGTON – Today, House Small Business Committee Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH) released the following statement after the U.S. Department of Labor released figures indicating the lowest filings for unemployment benefits in five decades. “With productivity on the rise and unemployment claims at a 49-year low, it is evident that small businesses are experiencing the ripple effect our economy is creating,” said Chairman Chabot (R-OH). “Through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, not only are small business... Read more

  • Small Business Committee Probes SBA Disaster Response
    Posted in Press Releases on September 5, 2018 | Preview rr
    Tags: Oversight and Regulatory Reform, Disaster Assistance

    WASHINGTON – Today, the House Committee on Small Business held a hearing to examine the Small Business Administration's (SBA) actions during the 2017 storm season and the SBA’s disaster response moving forward. "The 2017 storm season, by all accounts, was historic. As we know, SBA plays a large role in the long-term recovery needs for the United States,” said Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH). “[SBA’s] Disaster Loan Program, which provides fixed-term and low-interest direct loans to victims is vital ... Read more

  • Chairman Chabot and Rep. Cuellar Introduce Legislation to Protect Small Business Trademarks
    Posted in Press Releases on September 4, 2018 | Preview rr
    Tags: Oversight and Regulatory Reform

    WASHINGTON – House Small Business Committee Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH) and Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) recently introduced H.R. 6695, the Trademark Licensing Protection Act of 2018, which clarifies that licensing trademarks, and controlling or exercising those trademarks, do not create an employment relationship. “In an effort to strengthen the protections of small businesses, especially franchisees, we must ensure that the millions of Americans they employ have the provisions and protections th... Read more

  • Chabot Applauds Executive Order Expanding Small Business Retirement Plans
    Posted in Press Releases on August 31, 2018 | Preview rr

    WASHINGTON – Today, President Trump signed an executive order to make it easier for small business owners to create and offer retirement plans for their employees. “Today’s Executive Order is a move in the right direction for small businesses by allowing owners an affordable way to offer retirement plans to their workers. Currently, owners could only team up to create 401 (k) plans if they were in the same industry, making it too expensive for many. With that burden removed it would become an af... Read more