Rep Cmte Appropriations

Government-Wide Funding Legislation Released

Bill will provide robust increases for national defense, infrastructure investments, border security, school safety and mental health, and to fight the nation’s opioid epidemic

Washington, Mar 21 -

The House Appropriations Committee today introduced legislation to provide all discretionary funding for the federal government for the 2018 fiscal year.

The bill contains the full legislation and funding for all of the 12 annual Appropriations bills. It totals $1.3 trillion, including $78.1 billion in funding for the Global War on Terror (GWOT)/Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO). Total base funding, excluding OCO and emergencies, is $1.2 trillion.

The legislation adheres to the recently enacted budget “caps” agreement, providing an additional $80 billion for national defense – the largest year-to-year increase in base funding for the Department of Defense in 15 years. It also provides increased funding for critical federal programs including efforts to fight the nation’s opioid epidemic, to secure our homeland, to promote school safety and mental health, and to make robust investments that will help rebuild America’s aging infrastructure and bolster economic growth.

Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen made the following statement on the legislation:

“This Omnibus Appropriations bill represents thousands of hours of work, consideration, and input by Members of Congress. These 12 bills were considered and amended in Committee and on the House floor in an open and inclusive process last year, and have been negotiated in good faith by Committee leaders, House and Senate Leadership on both sides of the aisle, and the White House.

“This bill makes historic investments in our military – including the largest year-to-year increase in funding in 15 years, since the beginning of the War on Terror. This legislation will continue efforts to reverse the damage and neglect done under the previous Administration that has caused the men and women of our Armed Forces to be less prepared to fight, and that have put our nation’s ability to counter future threats in peril.

“The package also contains increased funding to ensure our security here at home. It includes increases for new border infrastructure, additional agents, more detention beds, better surveillance technology, and other measures that will help close the security gaps that put our border and nation at risk.

“But we must also focus on crisis and challenges here at home. This legislation targets funding to fight the scourge of the opioid epidemic that is devastating families and communities across the country. It provides new funding for school safety and mental health services to help prevent the kind of tragedy and heartbreak that occurred in Parkland, Florida. And it makes major investments in infrastructure across the board – whether it is transportation, energy, water, or cyber – to help boost our economy and promote future growth.

“These investments are made responsibly, with an eye towards getting the most out of every dollar, and reflect the priorities of the American people. This legislation will bring real and lasting solutions to the many challenges facing our nation both at home and abroad.”

The bill includes critical funding for:

Bill Highlights: For a bill-by-bill summaries, please visit:

Agriculture Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Commerce, Justice, Science Bill - Summary | One Pager

Defense Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Energy and Water Appropriations Bill - Summary  One Pager

Financial Services Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Homeland Security Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Interior/Environment Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Labor, HHS, Education Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill - Summary | One Pager

Investing in Infrastructure - One Pager

Improving School Safety -
One Pager

Fighting Opioid Abuse -
One Pager

Overall Summary - One Pager

For the text of the legislation and the bill reports, please visit: