Highways and Transit

The Subcommittee on Highways and Transit has responsibility for the development of national surface transportation policy, construction and improvement of highway and transit facilities, implementation of highway and transit safety programs and research activities, and regulation of commercial motor vehicle operations. Within this scope of responsibilities, the Subcommittee has jurisdiction over many U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) programs, including the following:

  • Federal-aid Highway Program administered by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
  • Federal transit programs administered by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
  • Highway safety grants and research programs administered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
  • Commercial motor vehicle safety programs and regulations administered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
  • Surface transportation research administered by FHWA, FTA, FMCSA, NHSTA and coordinated through the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST)

Many of these agencies, especially FTA and FMCSA, also have security oversight and enforcement responsibilities as part of their regulatory functions. In addition, the Subcommittee has jurisdiction over certain provisions of the Clean Air Act pertaining to air quality compliance through the transportation planning and project development process administered by FHWA and FTA.

Recent Activity

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The House Subcommittee on

Highways and Transit

Ranking Member

Eleanor Holmes Norton



  • Steve Cohen - TN 09 Picture of Steve Cohen
  • Albio Sires - NJ 08 Picture of Albio Sires
  • Rick Nolan - MN 08 Picture of Rick Nolan
  • Dina Titus - NV 01 Picture of Dina Titus
  • Sean Patrick Maloney - NY 18 Picture of Sean Patrick Maloney
  • Elizabeth Esty - CT 05 Picture of Elizabeth Esty
  • Jared Huffman - CA 02 Picture of Jared Huffman
  • Julia Brownley - CA 26 Picture of Julia Brownley
  • Alan Lowenthal - CA 47 Picture of Alan Lowenthal
  • Brenda Lawrence - MI 14 Picture of Brenda Lawrence
  • Mark DeSaulnier - CA 11 Picture of Mark DeSaulnier
  • Eddie Bernice Johnson - TX 30 Picture of Eddie Bernice Johnson
  • Michael E. Capuano - MA 07 Picture of Michael E. Capuano
  • Grace F. Napolitano - CA 32 Picture of Grace F. Napolitano
  • Daniel Lipinski - IL 03 Picture of Daniel Lipinski
  • Henry C.  Johnson. Jr. - GA 04 Picture of Henry C.  Johnson. Jr.
  • Lois Frankel - FL 21 Picture of Lois Frankel
  • Cheri Bustos - IL 17 Picture of Cheri Bustos
  • Frederica S. Wilson - FL 24 Picture of Frederica S. Wilson
  • Donald M. Payne Jr. - NJ 10 Picture of Donald M. Payne Jr.
  • Peter DeFazio (Ex Officio) - OR 04 Picture of Peter DeFazio (Ex Officio)


Sam Graves

MO 06


  • Scott Perry - PA 04 Picture of Scott Perry
  • Rodney Davis - IL 13 Picture of Rodney Davis
  • Rob Woodall - GA 07 Picture of Rob Woodall
  • John Katko - NY 24 Picture of John Katko
  • Brian Babin - TX 36 Picture of Brian Babin
  • Don Young - AK 00 Picture of Don Young
  • Garret Graves - LA 06 Picture of Garret Graves
  • Jeff Denham - CA 10 Picture of Jeff Denham
  • Barbara Comstock - VA 10 Picture of Barbara Comstock
  • Frank A. LoBiondo - NJ 02 Picture of Frank A. LoBiondo
  • David Rouzer - NC 07 Picture of David Rouzer
  • Duncan Hunter - CA 50 Picture of Duncan Hunter
  • Mike Bost - IL 12 Picture of Mike Bost
  • Eric Crawford - AR 01 Picture of Eric Crawford
  • Doug LaMalfa - CA 01 Picture of Doug LaMalfa
  • Lou Barletta - PA 11 Picture of Lou Barletta
  • Bruce Westerman - AR 04 Picture of Bruce Westerman
  • Blake Farenthold - TX 27 Picture of Blake Farenthold
  • Lloyd Smucker - PA 16 Picture of Lloyd Smucker
  • Bob Gibbs - OH 07 Picture of Bob Gibbs
  • Paul Mitchell - MI 10 Picture of Paul Mitchell
  • John Faso - NY 19 Picture of John Faso
  • Thomas Massie - KY 04 Picture of Thomas Massie
  • A. Drew Ferguson - GA 03 Picture of A. Drew Ferguson
  • Mark Meadows - NC 11 Picture of Mark Meadows