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American agriculture is a dynamic part of our national economy and a significant part of our local communities. Agriculture impacts the life of every American, and it is important to ensure that this industry can continue to meet the needs of our nation.

Congressman Goodlatte represents the Sixth Congressional District, which includes the Shenandoah Valley and parts of central and southwest Virginia. The Sixth District is one of the leading turkey and poultry producing districts in the nation and ranks among the top 100 in fruit, cattle, dairy products, sheep, corn, and barley production. In addition to being one of the most beautiful landscapes in the country, this region is also one of the most agriculturally diverse. From corn and grains to vineyards, livestock, and forestry products, the Sixth District has a vibrant agricultural economy. Through his role on the House Agriculture Committee, Congressman Goodlatte will work to ensure its continued growth.


  • Serves as a Senior Member of the House Agriculture Committee on the Subcommittee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture and the Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit. Previously has served as Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee.

  • Member of the Congressional Biotechnology Caucus, the Congressional Dairy Caucus, the Congressional Chicken Caucus, the Congressional Pollinator Protection Caucus, the Rural Caucus, and the Zoo and Aquarium Caucus.
  • Introduced the Renewable Fuel Standard Elimination Act (H.R. 1314). The RFS Elimination Act eliminates the federal ethanol mandate and makes ethanol compete in the free market. 
  • Introduced the Renewable Fuel Standard Reform Act (H.R. 1315), which eliminates corn-based ethanol requirements, caps the amount of ethanol that can be blended into conventional gasoline at 10 percent, and requires the EPA to set cellulosic biofuels levels at production levels. The RFS Reform Act is a bipartisan bill, and has the support of more than 50 diverse organizations.

  • Cosponsor of the Future Logging Careers Act (H.R. 1454), which would allow parents to train the next generation of loggers and business owners.

  • Cosponsor of the Death Tax Repeal Act (H.R. 198), which would repeal this tax that can have a significant negative impact on small family farms and businesses.

  • Congressman Goodlatte, along with Congressman Michael Conaway, called on the Attorney General to evaluate overreach in prosecuting violations of the waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule.

  • Led a bipartisan letter to Environmental Protection Administrator Scott Pruitt emphasizing the negative impacts of the Renewable Fuel Standard on American consumers and the economy and urging the Agency to acknowledge the significant pitfalls and costs of the federal ethanol mandate in future rulemaking.

  • Industrial hemp isn't a new crop, but most folks aren't aware of the wide range of legitimate uses for it. Congressman Goodlatte is an original cosponsor of the Industrial Hemp Farming Act to finally allow the responsible, commercial production of industrial hemp without fear of violating federal law.

  • Original cosponsor of the Sugar Policy Modernization Act (H.R. 4265), legislation that would phase market reforms into the U.S. sugar program.

  • Introduced the Agricultural Guestworker Acta bill to create a new, workable agricultural guestworker program for America's farmers and ranchers. 

  • Appointed a member of the 2018 Farm Bill Conference Committee.

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