36 Reviews
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Bob Lux
· May 3, 2017
The current airline issues are pretty simple. Flying used to be fun and now it is a major pain show up 2 hours early get patted down take off your shoes they charge you for everything etc. But the mai...n problem is the airlines "treat you like cattle" now I hear they are making bathrooms smaller and taking away another 3 inches of leg room away from customers all to squeeze another $ from each flight. Airlines are just getting too greedy you can not treat people like cattle or pigs and pen them in the smallest cage you will continue to have problems. "Humans are not livestock" Airlines please quit treating people like they are! See More
Tina Puls
· March 28, 2018
Another useless Committee. How about getting a grip on all the military jets dumping chemicals on us!!! Stop it NOW!! I do NOT consent to being doused with all this crap.
Jonathan Amabile
· June 15, 2016
I believe that the only way to keep everyone happy is to administer a shorter version of the AT-SAT exam before a student starts his/her education at a CTI school. In doing so you will weed out at half of potential future ATC applicants, ultimately you're doing the student a favor as well by saving them thousands of dollars in student loans by hinting to them that they are not cut out for the job. Once a student graduates you then give them the "real" AT-SAT and take it from there. From this the FAA will have a higher passing rate at the academy and save money on training a person that shouldn't have been there in the first place. The only ones to take a slight financial set back(from loss of tuition) are the CTI schools being that now instead of allowing anyone that applied to take their ATC courses, they're only allowing the ones that passed the "mini" AT-SAT.

Truly yours,
N90 RPO and CTI Graduate.
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Debi Burk Scott
· May 24, 2016
They can meet as a committee every minute of every day, but if 'we' can't get a real handle on the mega monster of TSA we are going t keep having worse issues". Keep the pressure for accountability an...d giving more scrutiny to the 'tarmac' employees. And make sure ALL TSA employees are vetted. See More
Gregory Van Tighem
· January 2, 2015
I don't even give Congress one star…it's one too many. Congressman Bill Shuster is typical of the congressional inaction of spineless wimps who will bankrupt the future of our children and grandchildr...en just so they can stay in power. They have no interest in protecting the viability of our current transportation infrastructure and at the same time building a new transportation system that will serve our nation well into the 21st Century. Instead, they insist that it can all be done by using one-time transfers and other accounting gimmicks. Typical horse manure. The problem is simple…it comes down to three absolute truths: 1. we have NOT been paying adequate fuel taxes for a LONG time. 2. We have too long relied on a 20th Century funding mechanism that doesn't take into account the realities of a changing transportation system. 3. Our elected officials have for too long used the highway trust fund as re-election bribery to keep themselves in power by promising us the moon and the stars and delivering a proverbial map to the Hollywood stars. (In other words a fantasy.) See More
Kevy Cat
· March 9, 2014
We have not gotten one, even one bill from this Congress or from any Congress, since 2008, at least, for a jobs/infrastructure bill. Two bridges in the nation collapsed, our highways need updating and... improving yet we've not gotten one such bill. It's shameful, particularly in light of the fact that we've had the worst economic downturn in 80 years, since the Great Depression. Push for a jobs/infrastructure bill. We don't want yet one more "do-nothing Congress", like last year's. Please. For the love of God and for the good of the American people and the economy, give us a jobs/infrastructure bill. Push for it. Demand it. You're absolutely not doing your jobs. See More
Smith Mark
· February 15, 2014
Have you people in the Committee not learned anything from history. Lets have a review. House Republicans and some Democrats are against massive investment in fixing our infrastructure. These same peo...ple claim that it will not spur on the economy. No lets look back to just after the great depression. Millions out of work. The current Government decides to invest heavily in the infrastructure of our country. The Eisenhower Interstate system is built, The Hoover Dam is built putting those struggling for survival back to work, and brought this country out of the Depression. See any similarities here hmm. See More
Jeannie Hacker Cerulean
February 16, 2013
Pass the Clean Water Protection Act to the floor. Tennessee has already passed its own law to restore the Clean Water Act for Tennessee. Feel free to follow Tennessee's lead in this. By restoring the ...Clean Water Act you will end the contiguous permitting of cross ridge and mountain top removal operations that are burying our head water streams. For example, the Columbia River that provides Nashville's drinking water is polluted by heavy metals from Kentucky surface mining sites. In this case Tennesseans must look for the Federal bill to protect their water sources. Also, you will not see the moonscapes of contiguous permitting in Tennessee because our State Congress restored the Clean Water Act for us in 2009. See More
Sunny Morries
· April 11, 2017
The recent United Airlines incident highlights the increasing authoritarian aggression from airlines towards passengers. I would hope our elected representatives are mindful to protect the rights of p...assengers against violent and unreasonable actions, all under the guise of free commerce.

I would like to see legislation presented which will enhance and protect passenger rights.
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Angela Machado Callahan
· May 19, 2015
I cannot believe highways and public transportation continue to blame the resent Amtrak wreck to Congress. Watch and listen to the news. Currently it is suspected to be caused by something hitting the... windshield. What is the facts? See More
Marian Poleweka
· January 9, 2017
CHEAPER transport people to and from the airport Newcastle Leeds Doncaster Manchester West Midlands Liverpool Glasgow Edinburgh.
Contact 07457196622 Marian.
Max 6 people NORTH EAST and around. Welcome... to the family
Transport to the Polish Embassy in Manchester and Edinburgh also available
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Rob Belles
· April 13, 2017
Something MUST be done to protect the consumer from the ravages of the VERY PROFITABLE airlines. What other industry can SELL something they don't have?!? While over-booking MAY be economical for ...both the business AND the consumer it is simply NOT RIGHT. Airlines need to address over-selling. ie: selling a product they simply do not have. ONE: Sell up to the limit of the aircraft, and then sell "waitlist" seating. TWO: Sell some seats at a reduced rate called "bumpable". VERY specific terms could be attached to these "bumpable" seats. Both the airline and consumer would KNOW, and agree to these terms.
This SHOULD be the start to a full passenger bill of rights. In the aftermath of 9/11 "waitresses" were given the power of the police and became "cabin crew". They are OVER-THE-TOP in their authority. While necessary for the safety of the passengers, the flight attendants are really there for passenger comfort.
I look forward to progress on this VERY IMPORTANT issue facing Transportation at this time.
As a businessman, and a Travel Agent it is Economically Imperative that this be fully dealt with. The potential for lost dollars in the business, and especially the pleasure market can not be lost to foolish and greedy business tactics like that used by UAL.
UNTIL we have a quality passenger bill of rights you are doing a "poor" job.
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Sandra Schloemer
· March 12, 2017
I think we need to make weed legal for give more money for the American Transportation in America. Sandra Cullen's XXXXpopolp
Manuel Dias
· May 7, 2014
These guys are all full of shit.
Americans are already way over taxed.
Cut down on Moooochellll's lavished vacations abroad and use that money for highway repairs.
Vincent Cacanindin
· April 27, 2014
Please read what the Committee is reviewing and determine how far that you want to have federal intervention and increased expenditures to promote any respective legislation.
Cathy Sachkowsky
· September 12, 2014
I visited your membership page and saw hyperlinks (Facebook, Twitter and homepages) for all the republican representatives but none for the democrats .... is that typical standard procedure?
Ambila John
· July 6, 2016
Infastructure should be efficient,convenient n maintained for easy movement of goods n services
Taylor Brame
· February 17, 2015
Empowering the infrastructure of the nation!
Jeffery Pierce
· March 12, 2014
FREEDOM TO TRAVEL USA is in favor of more available interaction with the American public.
Peter Fredericks
· November 12, 2014
God bless / God seen
Infrastructure Quiz
#HurricaneIrma is a category 4 with 150mph winds - expected to make landfall Sunday morning. Please be safe and prepare using these @RedCross preparedness tips →
Rep. Rodney Davis talks about how the 21st Century AIRR Act is good for general #aviation (GA). #reform #21AIRRact

FEMA personnel are working non-stop to ensure federal resources get where they’re needed in areas impacted by #HurricaneFlorence. Send them a big thank you as they continue to support the response effort. Like and share to show your support. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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In a few moments, we will be live from the Full Committee mark up.
This is meeting of the Full Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.