Meet the Chairman

Congressman Bill Shuster represents the hard-working people and small communities of Central and Southwestern Pennsylvania’s Ninth Congressional District.

This region played an important role in the growth of the Nation’s railroad industry, and because of the importance of transportation to the region and the Nation’s economy, Shuster has focused on improving our infrastructure since his first days in Congress.

Shuster is serving his third term as Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: one of the largest committees in Congress, with broad jurisdiction over all modes of transportation – including aviation, maritime and waterborne transportation, highways, bridges, mass transit, and railroads – in addition to other aspects of our national infrastructure.

Infrastructure is the backbone of our economy, and under Shuster’s proven leadership, the Members of the Committee have worked together to uphold the fundamental constitutional responsibility to provide for infrastructure, effectively to pass measures that strengthen America’s transportation networks, improve our nation’s competitiveness, and create a sounder footing for economic growth and job creation.

In the 115th Congress, Chairman Shuster and the Committee are focused on building a 21st century infrastructure for America.  This goal includes promoting modern, safe, and efficient movement of goods and people; instituting common sense reforms; reducing red tape and regulatory burdens; encouraging greater fiscal responsibility; and promoting innovation.

Shuster has been a member of the Transportation Committee since coming to Congress in 2001.  Before chairing the Full Committee, he served as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, as well as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management.

In addition to Congressman Shuster’s prominent role in transportation policy, he continues to be an active voice in support of our Armed Services and is a recognized leader on national security matters.  As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Shuster serves on the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities and in the 112th Congress was the Chairman of a special panel to investigate the challenges small and medium sized businesses face in doing business with the Department of Defense.  This panel’s work led to National Defense Authorization Act provisions to help reduce barriers to entry for businesses and to expand our national defense industrial base.

Bill Shuster was born in McKeesport, Pennsylvania and grew up in Bedford County, Pennsylvania working on his family’s farm.  After graduating from Everett High School, he attended Dickinson College in Carlisle, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and History.  He went on to earn a Master’s of Business Administration from American University in Washington, D.C.

Before beginning his career in public service, Shuster gained years of private sector experience, working in marketing and management with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Corporation, and rising to District Manager for Bandag Incorporated.  He was also a successful small business owner, having owned and operated an automobile dealership in East Freedom, Pennsylvania.

Shuster resides in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania and has two children.