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We are a nation of immigrants and our immigration system has contributed to the greatness of the United States. However, we can all agree that our nation’s immigration system is broken.

The way for Congress to remedy this problem is to methodically look at each of the various components that need to be fixed and take any final bill through the traditional legislative process. Immigration reform is too important and complex to not examine each piece in detail.

The House Judiciary Committee, which I chair, has held numerous hearings on our immigration laws, and we have already passed several stand-alone bills that address particular issues, like enforcement of immigration laws, within our immigration system.

As Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, I have strongly advocated for immigration reform that focuses on enforcement and upholding the rule of law, including elimination of enforcement waivers that have been abused by previous and current Administrations.  To be clear, any immigration reform proposal must first guarantee that our immigration laws are enforced both at the border and within the United States.  I remain opposed to amnesty, as I always have been.  I do not support a special pathway to citizenship that rewards those who have broken our immigration laws.

Immigration reform is not an easy task, yet a solution is not out of reach. By taking a methodical approach to these issues, it will help us craft better legislation that will benefit Americans and provide a workable immigration system. This will ensure we get immigration reform right this time so that we don’t have the same problems in the future.


  • The House Judiciary Committee, of which Congressman Goodlatte is the Chairman, has jurisdiction over our nation's immigration laws. The Committee has been working to thoroughly examine each aspect of our immigration laws.

  • Congressman Goodlatte introduced the AG and Legal Workforce Act (H.R. 6417) which replaces the outdated and broken H-2A agricultural guestworker program with a new, workable agricultural guestworker program, known as the H-2C program, to ensure America’s farmers and ranchers have access to a reliable workforce. The bill also repeals the error-prone, paper-based I-9 system and replaces it with E-Verify.

  • Congressman Goodlatte introduced the Securing America's Future Act, H.R. 4760. This bill bolsters enforcement of existing immigration law, makes important reforms to our legal immigration programs, secures the border, and provides a legislative solution for the current beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. 

  • Championed Kate's Law (H.R. 3004) through the House of Representatives which passed by a bipartisan vote of 257-167. This bill protects public safety by enhancing penalties for deported felons who return to the United States, and is named after Kate Steinle, who was murdered in San Francisco by an unlawful immigrant who had previously been deported five times and was convicted of multiple felonies.     
  • Congressman Goodlatte introduced the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act (H.R. 3003). This bill strengthens the law to combat dangerous sanctuary policies that shield unlawful and criminal immigrants from federal immigration enforcement. The bill protects jurisdictions that comply with detainers from being sued, while allowing victims of crime to sue jurisdictions that refuse to comply and subsequently release criminal aliens onto the streets.
  • Member of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, which is dedicated to the strong enforcement of our immigration laws and the protection of our border. 
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